Chapter 7: So Much Pain.

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Chapter 7: So Much Pain.

A.N: this is going to probably be an emotional chapter.

Lauren's POV:

  After everything that happened I just didn't know what else to do, but go home and get my razor and just cut. All I really wanted to do was die. That's all, I had nothing to live for anymore.

  All these memories start to come back when I was younger I always used to get bullied by everyone and all those people's comment are now all inside me, "you're so fat," "slut," "just go die." So many things they said to me and I think to myself wouldn'y the world be a better place without me? No one needs me.

  My thoughts are stopped when I hear someone knock on. "Leave me alone!" is all I can say. "just please open the door Lauren its Dinah, Normani, and Ally."

  As soon and I hear it's them I had to open the door they saw the blood on my wrist they all just gave me the biggest hug.

Dinah's POV:

  We heard what happened between Lauren and Camila, so we all decided to come because we knew she was hurt when I saw all the blood I wasn't expecting her to be this hurt. We were basically the only people who knew about their secret relationship.

  I guess she does really have a lot of feelings for Camila, but I swear next time I see Camila I'm going to hurt her so bad for hurting one of my best friends.

Normani's POV:

  We all just hugged Lauren after seeing what she did to herself. It sucks so much to see her like this. We all kinda knew what happened, but we wanted to be sure about everything. I finally asked, "what happened Lauren?"

  She first calmed down and Ally wipped her tears off and she started by saying just by simply saying, "Camila."

Ally's POV:

  After Lauren just said, "Camila." We could tell she was so heartbroken. Not just like a breakup you'll get over in a little, but one that will last for a long time she really loves that girl.

  Then, she started again, "Camila she's the girl of my dreams, a few days before the first day of school I had a dream of me kissing this beautiful girl at first I thought like I'm straight you know so I just ignored it, then on the first day of school I bumped into her at first I didn't know were she was from but after talking to her and stuff I realized it was her, so one i don't know what went through my head, but I went to her house and kissed her it felt so perfect. I was just so afraid of what people would say. After we were official we just kept it to ourselves. Then I realized I shouldn't care about what people think so I was going up to Camila after her math class and I saw kissing some guy it just ripped my heart out."

Lauren just couldn't hold her tears after that. We all hugged her and decided to stay over to comfort her. Then, we heard the door ring and I went to go see who it was and yup it was Camila.

"Can I please talk to her?" she said wear her eyes getting watery.

"No Camila, you hurt her so much the best thing you could do is leave her alone for a while before you try to talk to her." I said.

Camila's POV:

  After what Ally said I knew it was true, but I had to talk to her now. "please jus.." then someone interrupted me, "just leave I don't want to ever talk to you," it was Lauren.

"Can't we just talk?" I said. "No just go you hurt me enough, I really did love you well I still do."

"I love you too," I start to say then Lauren says, "if you really love me then you would leave me alone."

After that I had to leave. I ran to my car and drove to where me and Lauren had our first date. All I could think is I ruined everything. I can't help, but just cry it seems like everything in my body hurts. Jorge is going to pay. He has to tell Lauren that he kissed me I really need her back. I would do anything for her.

A.N: I hope you like it! I was kinda in the mood for this because today has just been a sad day, so writing this makes me feel better. Thanks for all the votes and just everything. I'll update tomorrow! Maybe today if I go to sleep late! haha.

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