1) His butler rescue of the neko-hime

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A/n: just wanna point out this was the first fanfic I ever made and is proably mostly filler and I personally think it sucks but you know how significant others are whether its crap or not they say its the best ever this is for you jayheartnet122. Hope you like it.

No P.O.V

She was standing in the alley way her white dress covered in fresh red blood. Her wounds were still bleeding out seeping into the soft fabric of her dress. breathing hevily she leaned aginst the wall. Holding her side where she was stabbed. She was slowly fading to blackness and she knew it. She started to humm a soft but dark lullabye hoping it would ease her pain as she started falling into darkness,but she heared muffled voices. She fully fell into the blackness,and couldnt hear the voices any more.

ciel's P.O.V

I looked at Sebastian, and for some reason it looked like something was wrong. "Sebastian is something wrong." "No my lord nothing is wrong." "Okay." We were getting close to an alleyway, when I heard humming. It was soft and beautiful but so dark. As I looked into the alley as I did I could see a beautiful maiden. There was blood all around her I noticed it seeping from her dress. She was humming the same tune over and over. "Sebastian." "Yes young master?" "This girl she is to come with us." I dont really know why im doing this,but there is something special about her something unique. Plus I can't let a lady bleed to death in a dark alleyway.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I picked the maiden up her blood making it on my uniform.She was hardly breathing but breathing none the less.I walked to the carige and carefully put her in it. Careful to not get blood everywhere. Then started to make our way back to the town house.

Star's P.O.V

I woke up on something comfy. My eyes slowly examining the room. I was shocked I woke up at all a wound like that would have killed a half-demon like me but luckily it didn't. I slowly sat up wincing at the pain in my side.

"Miss you really shouldn't move you might reopen your wound." There infront of me was a girl with strawberry red hair and huge glasses. I stare confused to who she was. I shook my head and sighed. "Please don't call me miss I don't deserve the title, just call me Star."

"O-ok miss- I mean Star." I flashed her a simple smile as she left the room. Ignoring the pain in my side, I carefully walked over to the window. It was miserable and rainy. I didn't mind though, not everyday can be happy. "My lady you really shouldn't be out of your bed," the voice that spoke was hidden with lust and darkness covered in silk. I instantly knew what he was, a demon. I felt so tempted to just jump out the window. I couldn't give in to this empty feeling of hunger I had to resist. I pressed my boddy closerto the coldness of the window. "Where am I?" " At the Phantomhive estate." "If I may ask, why?" "My young master ordered to bring you here you were near death, he saw it unfit to leave you to die." "I see."

No p.o.v

She felt herself hungry for him. The sound of his blood running thru his veins calling out to her, due to her major blood loss she was weak. The demon side of her pulling her towards him. Telling her she would die if she didn't have a taste. She looked towards him her eyes flashing quickly from light blue to yellow back to blue. She quickly turned back to the outside veiw. Her four cat fangs making an occurance, and her nails growing into sharp claws. She knew she couldn't fight it any longer. Two cute,fluffy, black cat ears popped themselves on to her head. A sleek soft looking black tail poked out from under the light blue nightgown that was currently covering her light tan skin. Sebastian simply stared at her with a truly shocked expression. With a twitch of her cat ears and a swish of her tail she had him pinned down to the bed.

Sebastian's p.o.v

She was so fast not even a demon like me could dodge the attack. "I'm sorry," she whispered right before she clawed at me.

Star's p.o.v

I clawed him easily and his blood smelled sweeter than I thought it would. I kew I had to stop, but it was far to late too now. Blood seeped slowly out of the wound that was slightly above his collarbone. I glided my toungue across the cut purring contently at the taste. I continued until i was half satisfied and shakily moved off of him. "Leave now," I begged. He quickly left and I took the time to regain my energy and fell aslee.

A/n:There we go all finished with the first chapter stay tuned for more~

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