~18th October 2013~

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I didn't realise how long it's been since I wrote anything on here.

Nothing has really happened.

My step dad has been picking on me for the tiniest things.

For example, I got told off for eating 2 bread cobs and leaving 2 because he wanted them all. I also got told off for being off school since I wasn't well. He decided to go into my mum and start slagging me off because apparently I was faking it.

Come on, I know I'm stupid but I'm not that bad. I know that having just 1 day off sixth form can push me back. Besides, why on Earth would I want to stay in this house if I didn't have to?

The day before that, he decided to knock my school folder off the arm of the chair so all my work got ruined and didn't even bother to pick it up... he walked over it 6 times.  Then, when it was around 12am, he started shouting at me because I didn't bring my cups down, baring in mind that my mum told me I could take them down in the morning.

This was when I couldn't even stand up because of how ill I was.

The whole week has been full of petty little things like that.

I keep trying to ignore it, but it's really bugging me.

Looking on the bright side of things, my teachers were pretty cool with me missing school and just catching up on the work in my own time... it's not like I'm not going to do it.

I'm still dreading Spanish though.

Over this week I've learned that I'm even worse at it than I originally thought... yay :3

I've also started a new book which, hopefully, won't be as depressing and as bad as Dear Mr Morgan.

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