16. Angus DraLuca√

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Nothing was ever easy and I never expected it to be. It was hard being around them and knowing what they are and what I was. The stares made it ten times harder, ten times obvious that I was not one of them, that I was not only different and dangerous to them, but I was a monster. I walked out of the large mansion, trying to ignore the hushed whispers. It didn't help and it made me angry and with anger came the lust, especially when it's been so long.

"Are you okay? "I opened my eyes having closed them. Jamie stood in front of me with a look of concern. His eyes widened as he realised that my eyes had changed. They were deep crimson, like blood they seemed to just show exactly what I wanted. Unconsciously he stepped back. I could tell that he was worried, more for his pack than me. I smiled a small sad smile and looked away, trying to control the need now burning inside of me.

"I'm okay, "I breathed out.

"Should I get Mason?" He asked and looked around, luckily it was clear and I saw the sigh of relief which left him. I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay. "He pursed his lip and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." he nodded awkwardly. "um.. So, did you guys find what you wanted?" I chuckled at his attempt of conversation.

"Yes, all that we could that was useful. "He nodded and I began walking over to a tree stump. He followed and sat beside me.

"So,that's good." He looked down and I raised a brow.

"Don't you have a mate to attend to? "I asked amd he smiled sadly.

"Nah, I haven't found her yet."

"Oh, why don't you go look for her? "I tilt my head knowing wolves usually visit each pack in the surrounding areas for their mates as young as 18.

"Well,I was actually planning on it as soon as Mason found you." My eyebrows rose. We then went on talking about everything and I realised that he was a pretty cool guy. Time flew and the urge to kill intensified. My face scrunched up in pain as I felt an intense wave of pain. It felt as though my insides where being ripped to shreds. It was different from the usual pain growing up. I began to pant and he stared at me. "What's happening?" he asked standing to his feet.

Kill... The faint mumbled sneer seemed louder in my mind and I gasped, my mouth watered and I felt like a vampire, my throat felt as though a white hot branding iron was shoved through and I couldn't stand it. Angrily I stared at Jamie with a look of murder.

"I need to get out of here. "I stood, my body stronger and graceful besides the pain. I ran away from him and the pack house. I was fast still and that lessened the pain. I felt the branches hit my arms and legs as I ran. I jumped up from the ground to dodge a large fallen trunk. I flipped through the air and landed like a cat on my legs, the ground cracked beneath them. I felt invisible. I ran, miles away from the pack because strangely enough, I didn't want to hurt them. I couldn't bring myself to lay even a finger on them in my blood lusting state.

Monster! I faltered in my step and I stopped panting, my mouth watering and I looked around me at the deserted field. I blinked. I stayed quiet, listening to my own breathing. MONSTER! I fell to my knees. The familiar voice of a woman ringing through my ears

He can never love a monster. My lips parted and I felt like my heart was trying to escape from my throat.

"He can't. He won't. "I repeated to myself.

That's right, he knows a monster when he sees one. It felt like my insides where being turned inside out. Loving you would be the worst thing in the world. Murderer.

Then I heard it, the familiar threatening growl. My fingers dug into the ground and slowly I turned to the sound, my usual sickening smirk slipped onto my face. From the shadows two wolves emerged snapping their jaws at me, baring their sharp canines and crouching low. Their dark eyes stared fixated at me. They were my prey not the other way around. I stood tall and confidently even though I had no weapon on me, I was sure I could take them.

"Here to kill the monster? "My voice was low and soft and they snapped at me before they lunged at once. I smirked." A shame. "I whispered as the darker shaded brown one got to me first, it opened its mouth as though to swallow me and I grabbed both his lower and upper jaw, holding them apart. His breath was absolutely revolting and I gagged and threw it towards its friend, sending them tumbling.

They stood and shook their bodies and snarled at me while stalking towards me. My blood red eyes fixated on them, I ignored their trashy stench. They lunged again, the lighter shaded brown got to me first and I jumped over it, stepping on its body, slamming it into the ground. I grabbed it's scruff as the other came for me and I used it's body as a bat, hitting the other wolf. The violence dulled my pain, I needed blood to make it go completely away. I held onto the wolf as it's friend rolled. I straddled it and held its jaw apart. It snapped at me, trying to get me off of it. We rolled and I groaned, trying to break it's jaw.

Murderer. I heard the voice as it whimpered. It fuelled my anger, inspiring strength in me and then there was a snap and the wolf slumped. I grabbed a sharp rock beside it's head and jabbed it into its largest tooth, breaking it off. I grinned and stood. The other wolf widened it's eyes before glaring at me. I smiled. Now to take out an eye. I thought to myself as it came for me. I kicked my leg out and kicked it's stomach it fell to the ground and I stepped on its paw. Leaning down it whimpered. I stared before sticking the tooth into its eye. Blood gushed out and the wolf howled in pain. I pressed my knee into its stomach and touched the blood which oozed from the eye. It looked over at me, it's eyes pleaded for mercy.

Good boy... I found myself grinning down at the entire mess

"Angus! "I froze as a voice of complete authority ran through the clearing. I stood. The rogues eye stayed on me as it slumped, panting and closing it's eye, submitting to the pain which it seemed to hope would give him peace. "Angus, what the hell!? "I looked down at my hand and stared.

MURDERER! My eyes burned at I stared at the blood which did not belong to me.

You are better than this. I gasped and looked up at the sound of that voice, it was from the time I found myself being unbound. I panted panicking.

"Angus?" I looked over at him, he frowned, his hands clenched as he then began to glare. "Is this what you call trying?" I was hit with the familiar memory of my grandmother.

"You will never understand. "I whispered and he stared at me blankly. "No one will ever understand."

I understand. The voice said again and I looked up at the sky, the familiar voice rang out much clearer. I blinked the tears away and looked back at Mason.

"I'm sorry." He huffed and growled before turning away from me silently. "So very sorry." I stared at the ground, deep down I knew he could never love me for what I am now. I would never change. It simply could not be done. I should do us both the favour and disappear.

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