23 - Mason Payne√

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Pain, Rogues, Hunters and a Caster

Disappointed? yes.

Mad? very.

Depressed? Definitely.

Heartbroken? Unbelievably.

I was never one to dream about my life. Honestly, I never imagined myself with my mate, settling down and having children. I was never that kid. For me, it was always school, eat, train, become Alpha, nothing more. However, my mentality has changed a great deal since meeting Angus. That's what mates do, they change your perspective, they make you consider things that were of no interest to you before, it's just what the bond did to us.

Now, I think about keeping him safe, about having him naked and ravishing him from head to toe, I catch myself wondering if I should get him gifts and be nicer and try to be with him as much as possibly, I begin to imagine him round with my pups. That now is no longer an imaginative thought or wish or dream, it is now a reality but it is not a happy one.

Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon and so is the pack. I want a baby more than anything, if anything I think it'll bring Angus and I closer, fill us with more love and trust, make us more of a family. I hoped it would bring some light in this overly darkened time due to the earlier events, instead it seemed to break him. It filled him with anger and absolute loathing.

It broke me, my body shuddered as his face flashed through my mind, his face a picture of absolute horror. At first I thought that he was scared I wouldn't want our little pup, but then I saw, he didn't want it. He didn't want me, or the love we undeniably share.

I was ready to admit that there was definitely love between us no matter how fast it may seem to others.

I growled at this and stormed towards the kitchen. Jamie sat on the counter nursing his coffee.

"What's wrong? "He asked with concern. I felt sick to my stomach. Angus not wanting our beautiful creation was the worst means of rejection and I didn't know how to deal.

"Angus...he doesn't want the baby." Jamie gapped in shock and we lapped into silence. "I don't know how to convince him that it is a miracle." My voice broke. "I don't want my pup growing up with him hating him or her." I confessed and Jamie hopped down, his arms wrapped around me and I accepted his comfort. My wolf howled sorrowfully, he was hurting just as much as I.

"It will be fine, Mason, "he pulled away," but you can't let him be in that room by himself. "He told me seriously and I furrowed my brows." If he expressed his dislike to the idea of having a baby, he will try to get rid of it. You can't let him be alone long enough to do it. "My eyes widened.

"Dammit!" I said and ran out of the kitchen heading for the infirmary. I pushed the door open roughly and cursed at the empty bed.

-Angus is on the move, we have to catch him. I said and a series of angey shouts rang out.

-Is he insane?

-Is he trying to get himself killed!?

-Does he know he's expecting!? This isn't good, he might hurt the baby!

-Dammit, what now!? "

I clenched my jaw at the open window wide open.

-Alpha, we've spotted a few rogues in the west border. I growled then and left the infirmary, running through the hallway, into the living room and out the door. I jumped and shifted mid-air. The scent of vomit lead me to believe that it was Angus. I followed it along with other capable members of the pack.

We ran into north through the woods and his scent was fresh. I growled and snarled, sending him my anger.

-You are being childish. I linked him as I ran, I couldn't help think how fast he can be when he wanted to.

-I am doing it a favour. He answered me in a sad soft tone, one which was both apologetic and defensive.

-And who are you to decide that? When did you become the big men and women upstairs? When was it your job to decide who lives and who dies, who gets to love and be loved and who doesn't? I growled at him angeily

-Since it affected me. He said plainly and angrily before cutting our connection. Then ahead I saw him, he had slowed down, he was haunched over breathing deeply. He turned and saw us, his eyes widened as we neared I noted he was on no mans land and an arrow was hurtling for him. I picked up speed and leaped over him, I caught the arrow in my mouth and it snapped. I growled at the distance a large group of hunters emerged with smirks.

I stood before Angus who gasped.

"I'm so sorry, "he said.

-You've been saying that a lot lately. I said to him as a string of arrows flew at my warriors, effortlessly they dodged. Angus was then beside me, one came as him and he caught it, moving his body to the left.

Then there was growling and not from my pack. A group of rogues emerged from the shadows.

-They are working together, why? A warrior, Max asked.

-I don't know, but fight to the death, we take no hostages. They growled and their hackles rose along with mine rose. The first row of rogues came at us and I was protecting myself and my pregnant mate who scowled at me before jumping over my body and grabbing a rogue by the mouth and breaking it's jaw and slamming it into its friend. I knew he could handle his own, I just couldn't help think he was also hoping fighting would hurt him enough to kill our pup.

I snarled as I landed roughly on the ground, a rogue snapped at my muzzle and I clawed at its face, it whined and I noticed something odd. They had collars on them.

More of my warriors emerged from my territory, here to help their Alpha's. I threw it off and it yelped as I tackled it down. I stared into its eyes to see absolute fear and helplessness. I wanted to ask why they had collars but I knew it wouldn't happen. Then the hunters came onto up with their guns. I watched in horror as a few of my members were shot down.

I looked for Angus who just snapped the head of one hunter and took his gun and aimed it at the hunters. I linked some of my members to shift and try to get the hunters guns. Wolfs killed hunters, those which shifted into human form took the guns and shot at the hunters.

Angus was on fire, he may hate guns but he was an excellent shot. I snapped the head of a wolf just as Angus flipped over a hunter, he held the mans neck over his shoulder and snapped it like it was nothing while using him as a shield. Then everything went south.

The rogues retreated and an arrow flew, I though he'd catch it but he caught it with his chest. My heart stopped and the fight seemed to end then. I stood in my wolf and watched as I failed to do the single thing a mate was meant to do. Angus looked down at his chest and choked, black blood gushing out of his mouth. I shifted then and something out of the ordinary happened.

The air grew cold and there was a whispering I could barely catch. The hunters who still lived or were capable of movement retreated. I ran for Angus as he fell to his knees. He looked up at me, black blood staining his chin. My eyes wide with fear as my Wolf tried not to kill us.

"Mason... "He choked.

A time of change,
A time of peace.
A truth remains,
that you must hear.

I held his head in my hands as the words were echoing around the blood stained, body littered grounds. I looked up and I saw it, or rather him. The man had shoulder length black hair with a single strip of white in one side, his eyes were a startling blue but as he came closer, emerging from the trees in a hurry while gliding across effortlessly, they turned silver, the entire pupil iris as well as the whites.

"You...you would make a great father, "Angus coughed and tears stained my cheeks as my entire world stopped.

"You cannot die." he coughed, more blood gushing out. I could feel it though, his life essense fading, the string holding us together was slowly breathing and I howled in pain. I was going to lose my mate.

Rogue Assassin (ManxMan)√Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon