11. Mason Payne√

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I had been staring at a piece of paper for the passed hour. My mind was blank. It was him, that...person. He occupied my thoughts and it irritated me. I groaned and allowed my forehead to connect with the table and closed my eyes. I wondered how he was feeling, was he hungry? Did he want company? My company. Was the restraint hurting him? It was annoying.

-Go see him. My wolf demanded of me and I scrunched up my face in irritation and disbelief.

-No. I said bluntly and he whined.


-No. I repeated emotionlessly.

-You want to know what he's doing, even though you tied him to the bed... That is hot, go mate. He sounded eager, the horny bastard.

-You are a sadistic little mutt. He barked a laugh.

-Just go. He demanded and I shook my head, he sounded like a pampered prince.

-No, I refuse to bend to your will. He huffed and grumbled about me being a cockblock.

It didn't make any sense, one night of pure passion and suddenly it's like he's got me wrapped around his pinky, it doesn't make sense, it was nonsense. I leaned back in my chair feeling mentally exhausted. I decided not to think, to just breath.

... ... Angus... ... Naked... Beneath me. My eyes opened and I blinked I shifted feeling a slight discomfort in my shorts. This was mental.

"Alpha? "I looked up to see my Beta. My brows furrowed.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He rose a brow at my question.

"It's 8.30 am, sir. "I looked to the clock and sat up.

"Oh," I said.

"You okay? "I gave a nod.

"I'm fine."

"Well, I came to ask you a question. "He walked over and sat down." Why is the prisoner in your bedroom. "I let out a growl and he rose his hands up in surrender." Sorry, I just caught his scent which oddly enough was mixed in with yours. "He smirked at me.

"Jamie, I am not in the mood." He leaned back with a cocky smirk.

"Looks like someone surrendered to the undying bond of a mate. I must say I'm surprised. "It was my turn to raise my brow.

"Why? You yourself kept telling me it was hard to deny it, why the surprise?"

"Well, you were very adamant on not accepting him or her, I thought maybe you would be the rare few who actually cast them away. "He gave a shrug." I guess it is true, a mates bond can melt even the cruelest of hearts. "My face fell at his words and he offered a guilty smile.

"So, you were one of them? Those who actually believed I have no kind muscle in my body?" He nodded.

"But I guess I was wrong. "He said softly. I glared.

"Or maybe you weren't." I growled and stood, storming out of the room.

I knew I ruled with an iron fist, but I wasn't cruel. Was I? I know I barely showed much compassion but I felt their pain, I could think about them, I just knew that tough love showed results, it made them stronger. That didn't necessarily make me cruel, did it? I stopped in my tracks. Angus laid on my bed, his head turned to the window, eyes closed his heart rate was high. I stepped inside cautiously. He changed me, I've never actually spent so much time thinking about my actions, the change was confusing. I was confused. Royally and I wanted to know.

"Wake up. "I said shaking him. He gave a slight gasp and looked around. He looked up at me." What did you do to me? "I asked and he blinked, probably getting himself woken up.

"Me?" He said, his voice husky and my wolf growled and pawed at my mind. "I don't...what time is it?" He asked and tried to sit up only to fall back onto the bed and he huffed.

"Why can't I get you out of my head? "I hissed and he froze looking up at me. His breath caught and I noticed how his thighs pressed closer together.

"Why don't you tell me that, Mr. Wolf." He said with a sudden glare. I scanned his face and listened for his heart beat.

"Why did you come here? "I asked him softly.

"Uh...you brought me here actually." I rolled my eyes and he smirked. I growled and then he rolled his eyes. "I don't know, I just walked without actual direction."

"From? "

"Uh...I believe it was just a little bit out of the Greyhound Mountain pack territory." I growled slightly.

"Why were you there? "He didn't answer me, for a moment he seemed lost in his own head as his eyes seemed out of focus.

"I was on a job, I was to...assassinate this kid, I don't know why. I had been in lock up for about 8 years by the Supreme Council." His eyes were glassy as they met mine. "The man who put me in confinement was the 'Luna' of that pack and I was going to kill his son, but he somehow managed to get in front of his boy." He paused and bit his lip. "He knew I was there, he saw me but instead of killing me or even turning the arrow to flames, he chose to get himself shot and I don't really know why," He sniffed then and I looked away.

I was mated to a sadistic murderer who somehow seemed guilty after so long.

"I had many chances to escape each time I was let loose for a kill, but I didn't because I felt I deserved it, my punishment was to be alone with my thoughts, to remember all the lives I've taken, innocent and pure, "his voice was low, sorrowful even sorry." I don't know what's happening or why it's happening, but I have a feeling that the only way we will find answers to what ever is happening to us is if we work together on this. "Angus had a look of complete sadness and pain. I leaned down and allowed for our lips to touch, it was light like a feather and it was weakness. I was too caught up in the bond, the urge to make him feel better.

"I'm still very confused." I admitted. "I didn't even mark you," I sighed and leaned back.

"In some way you did. Part of the marking process is intercourse and then at the climax a bite, so you've done one part of the process not the second. "Angus said his eyes calculating." Maybe it's like...a push, so to speak, by consenting what we did, we basically just strengthened the bond, now it's pushing so that we do the next part. "I growled and stood.

"I was coming here to reject you, formally because I feel that is where I went wrong, that is why we are in this mess, but I can't. I look at you and..." I trailed off, my face probably a picture of pain. He looked like an angel sent to save me from a pit of despair but I couldn't say it, I couldn't allow myself to even utter the words, it would only make it more real.

"It's okay, "he looked away." You don't have to say anything. "We went silent then, it made me feel awkward but comfortable. My hands fisted themselves.

"I never wanted a mate."

"I never thought I even had one. "He countered.

"There was a mistake."

"Yeah, the mistake made by a man a very long time ago. "Angus looked at me. "History always repeats itself, doesn't it?" My brows furrowed.

"What? "His eyes traveled up and down my figure.

"Never mind." He said and for a moment he went silent, he wanted to share but he wasn't sure how appropriate it would be and that made me want to know. "You know what's weird?" I rose a brow. " I don't want to kill at the moment." That had me tensing. "Usually, it takes at least a day for a kill to be out of one's system, for me, considering how often I succumbed t-"

"Enough. "He gasped but didn't look at me. "I don't want to hear that." I turned away feeling my muscles shift slowly, I looked down at my hand which began sprouting hair." I will send someone to check on your throughout the day. " I slammed the door shut. All I could imagine was him, drenched in blood, innocent and pure blood. It made me sick, it made me angry now more than confused and I needed to blow off some steam.

I couldn't look at him otherwise.

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