19 - Mason Payne√

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Rogue Assassin.

"I don't see the problem, you have an entire pack at your side."I said as Angus began pacing. "We are trained and equipped to fight if it comes down to it." He stopped and held his hair.

"You don't understand. "He said." There is a reason he referred to me as Rogue Assassin in the letter and Angus DraLuca on the envelope. I...I was not a good person, Mason, I have done things so insanely cruel..."He choked and I held him.

"I know. "He pushed me.

"No, you don't. Before I went to supernatural prison, for something that wasn't completely my fault. I still did things. I still have innocent blood on my hands and this," he held up the letter, "this guy knows exactly what I'm capable of, I know what he's capable of and if he knows I'm out, who else could know?" He sat down, his leg bouncing. "I don't want to go back there, Mason." He looked up and I saw the fear in his eyes and it washed over me. "Prison for me... It's... It's torture for me and being here, knowing that they know I'm here...." He shook his hed. "I don't want to be who I was before."

I sat beside me and pursed my lips.

"What do you want to do? " He chuckled humourlessly. He looked at me.

"You know why its 'Rogue' Assassin instead of just Assassin?" I shook my head. "I was an Assassin,and I went rogue. Like how you have rogue wolves who've be outcasted from their pack or kicked out for something or how they go insane. I went insane, I could no longer be paid to kill off a specific person. I went completely rogue, the way a wolf would go if they watched their mate die. I killed everyone, including the people who gave me the job and those I was meant to target. "He said with a blank look.

"Well, that's in the past, this is now."

"The past is never just left where it is."He bit his lip. "It always finds a way to catch up to you, no matter how much you try to put it to rest."

"So what so you propose we do? "He stood.

"I'm going to kill him." he said and walked out of the room. I followed and he went downstairs. People smiled at him and bowed slightly, greeting him. At first he froze in shock and looked at me. It would take some getting used to, I could tell. He smiled at them before continuing. I guess the pack was warming up to him nicely. I followed as he went out back into our secret shed which wasn't as secret as he found it easily he opened it up.

I watched as he ignored everything and went straight for a long katana, Jamie, my Beta's most favourite weapon. He held it up and smirked. He trailed his finger along the blade which cut him and I growled he chuckled and sucked on it. I watched as it began to close up.

"Being part Demon and being mated to a wolf is very lucky, huh?" He walked out and I avoided the sharp blade. My wolf growled saying how sexy he was with the weapon while I complained about how he'd get hurt.

"Is that necessary? Can't you just get a gun and shot him? "I asked and he chuckled.

"I'm not a big fan of those."

"Too fast for your liking. "He glanced at me as he swung the sword around himself. He smirked.

"You could say that." We were silent as he stuck it in the grass. We had a moment as we looked into each others eyes only to be interrupted by a small body crashing into me from out of nowhere.

It happened in slow motion. Suddenly Miguel was in my arms smiling brightly at me and then his head came down and his lips were pressing against mine. My eyes were wide with shock, shouldn't he be with his parents? I wondered as my arms instinctively held his waist so he wouldn't fall. He pulled away.

"I love you, and I know it's crazy but, I realise that I don't care if he's your mate, you don't want him, he sure isn't happy about it and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't care." He rambled with a laugh." I want to be with you, Mason because even though you act like an egotistical asshole, you are a big softy and I get to see that and I love it and I don't want anyone else as my mate becaue you are my mate. Why else would the Moon Goddess allowed for us to meet and fall in love the normal way, the human way? "He giggled and I pushed him. He fell onto his ass.

"Miguel," I began but then Angus was in front of me, his katana aimed at Miguel's throat whose eyes widened with horror as Angus pressed the blade to his jugular, drawing blood. "Angus."

"I should fucking kill you, you bitch. "Angus seethed." You dare touch my mate again I will end you. "Miguel looked to me then back at him before glaring. "That is a promise." He sounded so deadly in this moment, my wolf panted heavily in my mind, going on about how sexy Angus was with his possessiveness.

"I had him first, whore, so how about you get the hell out of here before I have the warriors rip you to shreds." There was silence and I stepped back choosing to let Angus deal with this. Pack members were starting to come outside in curiousness, some looking out the windows from inside. Angus laughed.

He let out a belly laugh, clutching his sides as he threw his head back, tears coming down his face as he stuck the sword in the grass and leaned against it. He looked kind of insane, it made me want to laugh with him.

"You had him first. Oh, that is rich, newsflash, hun. You never had him. "There was a series of 'ohhs' and 'burn' and I rolled my eyes at the packs childishness. Miguel glanced around.

"Are you going to let him talk to your Alpha that way?" The pack members tilted their heads.

"Newsflash, pup, I am the Alpha. "Angus supplied and bared his neck, showing his mark proudly. He smirked as Miguel's eyes flash with hurt.

"Mason," he whispered brokenly and I shrugged.

"You should have called, Miguel. "I said calmly. "Besides, why are you here? You were the one who went on about how mates are important and that I won't be able to go on, now you want me to forget about him? After you left to give me a chance to be with him? What's the real story. " I then noticed the bags under his eyes and he sighed. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry." he said looking at Angus. "I'm sorry we can't all have the luck of a mate who has more will to fight for the bond." He turned around in anger. Angus looked at me and I made a move to get to him only to have the sword now aimed at my neck.

"I should chop your head off, "he sneered at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The last time you tried to kill me, I ended up fucking you into the ground." His eyes darkened as I took a step closer, allowing the blade to dig into my neck.

"You didn't get him off soon enough. "He said digging it into my neck. It stung and I smirked as the pack stood on edge, not sure if we were serious or not. Blood coated the edge of the blade and he smirked.

"Are you going to kill me then?" he paused as though he were thinking about it.

"Perhaps, "he moved the sword from my neck and dropped it, he jumped on me and ran his tongue over my already healing wound, and I growled with pleasure as the pack members relaxed and began moving along. I noticed some teenagers watching.

"I've always wanted to see Alpha's go at it. "One murmured and the rest were nodding in agreement and I chuckled as Angus slammed his lips into mine before pulling away.

"Should we?" he whispered, licking my lips. I chuckled.

"No! They will be scared for life. "He pouted and got off of me.

"Boo, you're no fun."

Rogue Assassin (ManxMan)√Where stories live. Discover now