7. Angus DraLuca√

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Locked up...again.

I couldn't really tell you why I didn't move, why I let the dog lick me. I closed my eyes and held my breath as it ran into tongue all over me, clearly grooming me. It made me angry, but also it made me feel at peace. I scowled as it stopped and looked up at the thing in anger. It bumped it's nose against mine, what the hell was it doing?

"You need to get off of me, right. Now. "I said dangerously calm." I wouldn't mind adding another body to my already long list. "It let out a bark, as though laughing and I held my hands to its chest before pushing it off me in one try. I stood, crouching as it stood up and shook out its fur. It tilted it's head at me before crouching, it's butt in the air and tail wagging. What the hell was it thinking? That I was playing with it?

Suddenly as I stood up straighter, it followed, shifting as it did until a very large, very handsome man stood in the wolfs place. I scowled at the bright hazel eyes and knew the wolf was still in charge. He radiated dominance and darkness. I sniffed, loving the smell of darkness. He smirked at me, approaching slowly before he was right in front of me and I raised my hand, aiming for his face, I punched him square in the nose. He growled before hitting me in the stomach. I groaned and stood back, ready to fight him. He grinned, blood dripping from his nose. My eyes zeroed in on it.

Blood. Thick, red and metallic.

"Such a strong mate, "he licked his lips, catching some of his blood from his nose which was already healed. He ran towards me, throwing a punch at my face and I ducked, grabbing his wrist and flipping him over only for him to land on his feet and trip me. I groaned and grabbed his leg, pulling him down and straddling him. I punched him in the face over and over and over until two pairs of arms grabbed me, hoisting me off of him and I kicked in anger. I don't know where it came from, why it was there, but it was. The man sat up, laughing.

"Alpha, are you ok? "One of the wolves who shifted back asked as I stood, surprised they let me go. I looked at them and they avoided eye contact. The man stood, blinked rapidly and shaking his head until his eyes where no longer hazel, but green. I narrowed my eyes at him and he scowled.

"I'm fine, "he sniffed and looked me up and down." I want him in the dungeon. "He said.

"But...but he's your-" Their Alpha growled.

"I don't care, he killed one of our own. He will be punished. "Then he shifted and ran back the way he came. I stared after him in shock, just moments ago, he was all over me, now...he was running. I smirked as I was grabbed gently by the arm.

"Sorry, Luna, but, we have to take you in." I looked over at the smaller man of the group while the rest scowled at me in anger and disgust, his eyes were gentle, loving, honestly it was disturbing so I pulled away from him only to have my arm grabbed roughly by the others. I grinned, that was much better.

They growled as they tugged me towards their home, towards the back of their large pack house to where I would be locked up yet again. I realised that I could have easily killed them and have gone on my way, but, I didn't. I actually wanted to see how this would all play out, how the Alpha would try to torture me and keep his wolf under control. I knew from the look of his wolf that I was his mate, his so called "other half" and as disturbing as it was to find out that I had a mate, I couldn't help want to know how it would go, how it would end. Would I end up killing him once my fun was over with or would he kill me. So many turns. Would his pack kill me instead? I guess I would just have to sit back and wait. Besides, and I had nothing better to do.


I was thrown into a cellar rather roughly, I sat up and leaned against the cold cemented wall and watched as they closed the bars. They all sneered at me, all but that single one. I scowled at him and he blushed and looked away. Soon they all took their leave and I looked to my left and right, not really seeing much considering how dark it was.

"So, what are you in for? "I paused as the voice registered.

"I bet you've been waiting a while to ask that." I said and the girl laughed lightly before revealing herself from the shadows. She reeked of blood and shit. She pulled herself towards me from my left and I rose a brow. Her big brown eyes smiled at me.

"Three whole months and two weeks actually. " She said, with a kind of southern accent.

"Well, that is very depressing." She chuckled and continued to pull herself until she was right beside me, leaning against the wall, she clutch her side. "Why didn't you just walk over then sit?" She glanced over at me.

"Well, considering how brutally beat up I am, I can't. "She smiled at me nonetheless." Alpha took out my legs, can't feel 'em, can't use' em. " She trailed her hand over her thigh and I gave a nod, not really sure how to respond. Oddly, I was impressed but also disappointed. Here was no point in keeping prisoners.

"I'd ask why your in here but I get the feeling I already know." I said as I held my hand up and inspected my nails.

"Oh, and what is your guess? "She was smirking at me. Her plump lips curved teasingly. Poor thing, probably never had a normal conversation in a while.

"From the looks of it, I'd say you were a rogue, but, considering your attire," I looked down at the crop top she wore,which seemed designer. "I'd say your a part of the pack and you did something to tick the hot headed Alpha off." Her eyes were wide and she blinked. I smiled dangerously at her, "Which is it?" She parted her lips as I raised a brow at her.

"The latter, "she sighed and I nodded.

"I'd ask what you did but I don't think I really want to know." She was silent for a moment and my butt began to ache. The silence reminded me all to well of where I had been two months ago. Suddenly, I needed her to start talking, the feeling of strange voices in my head threatening to take residence in my mind, and thankfully I didn't even have to ask.

"Can I tell you anyway? "She whispered and I looked over at her now saddened gaze.

"I think you'll start speaking no matter how harsh I put it."

"I tried to get him overthrown. "My gaze snapped up to the bars in shock. This was surely not something that happened everyday and it peaked my interest.

"What?" I asked, it was not easy to overthrow an Alpha, in fact, the only time it is ever really successful is if the entire pack was not a fan of their leader or when it was an Alpha challenging an Alpha.

"Pretty stupid, huh? "She chuckled and I turned to her.

"The most idiotic thing ever." I said honestly. "Explain." I said, now actually interested in something for the first time in a while.

"Well, the Alpha is not the kindest guy out there, especially to those he sees as weak. My sister, is one of them and really, I hated how he looked at her, how disgusted he seemed to be around her. "She growled and I rolled my eyes." I thought that maybe, if he wasn't Alpha anymore-"

"If he were dead. "I said bluntly and she nodded.

"Our pack could finally get an Alpha worthy of the title, one with heart, who didn't judge others as being weak just because they cared, just because they were smaller than him."

"You are such a sap. "I said and she reared her head back.

"There is nothing wrong with caring." I snorted and flashed my red eyes at her, she gasped and moved back. I smirked before calming myself and my eyes turned back to their striking spring green.

"There is so much wrong with that statement, sweetheart. "I said leaning my head against the wall." See, if you hadn't cared so much, "I turned to her," you wouldn't be here, with me, in this cellar. "I smirked and she swallowed, inching back." Don't worry, "I looked away from her." I won't kill you...yet. "

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