15. Mason Payne√

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His eyes were lit brightly and I couldn't help but stare. My wolf growled lowly inside of me as he filled my head with thoughts of our mate beneath us. Angus sat down and he began to read. Honestly, I had a battle going inside of me, emotionally I struggled to grasp how I felt about him, how I wanted to feel about him and how I wanted to deal with said feelings.

"This could be it. "Angus looked up at me, his eyes bright with hope and I realised, he wanted it over. He didn't want to be the monster everyone saw him as. He wanted to be normal. I walked over, our bodies close enough to touch, his heat radiated through his clothes and his scent seemed to heighten. "From this day, till the end of time, a curse so wicked laid upon. DraLuca old, DraLuca young, male strong and proud will not have love." He read allowed and paused to look up at me. He blinked before turning back to the page with the long quote. "From one era to the next, blood will thrive or be put to rest. Werewolves beware of their hungry stare, their lust for blood is not just a scare.

"From dusk till dawn, this lust remains. Bound and strong, it lies but within the heart." He finished.

"What does it mean, exactly? "I voiced and Angus looked to be in a trance.

"DraLuca clan had the misfortune of a curse performed by the strongest Caster alive. It had been many years when a young twisted DraLuca male had existed only for the death of werewolves. This man was named Karth, who felt the species should be extinct all together. The Caster granted his wish with a curse of killing. The curse is a complicated one as it plays on not only the mind but the heart. The cursed experience vivid hallucinations of their passed killings especially when under confinement or surrounded by complete silence. The curse as it seems allows for them to find their one true love but, often they are left at the mercy of the overwhelming feeling of killing said love as they end up being the object of their instinct, in other words, they fall in love with the species they aim to kill." Angus laughed and stood. I took his place as he began to rant.

"If I could find this Caster, I would so slit his throat." He rambled all ways in which he could ensure the poor caster's infinite death.

I flipped the page, hoping to find something on breaking the curse. Thankfully there was a heading which said: Ways To Break The Spell. This guy was very helpful.

"There has been no success in the breaking of the spell. "I shook my head and huffed.

"Great, so he gets all that unnecessary information on my family then he can't even tell us how to get rid of it." Angus blew air into his cheeks. "I'll kill 'em." I lifted my head at his suddenly serious tone. I looked over at him to see his expression blank.

"No. "I said firmly and he looked me in the eye before narrowing his eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do." I rose a single brow.

"I just did. "

"Well, I am not going to do what you tell me." I took a deep breath.

"Want a bet. "I said and he went silent for a brief moment.

"You bet." I looked back up at him and studied his face which was riddled with determination. I stood up and stalked over to him. His eyes seemed to brightened as he smirked. I stood in front of him, his scent tainting my senses. I lifted my hand to his face and lightly, I trailed the back of my hand across his cheek. His eyes widened as his brows rose. My touch was so gentle it even surprised me.

"We will find a way. "His eyes softened and there seemed to be an internal battle.

"And if we don't?" I blinked at him.

"Then we find a way to deal with it. "He took a step closer, his hand trailed up to my hand and he removed it, taking it down but he didn't let go of my hand.

"But what if we can't deal with it." He said softly. He was looking for reassurance that much was obvious and honestly, I had non but I held on for us both.

"We will. "His lip twitched in the faintest of smiles.

"So, does that mean that this is happening?" He motioned between us. "Does this mean you want to try this whole 'mate'  thing?" my lips parted.

"I guess it does. "He squinted his eyes at me.

"Don't worry, it's hard for me too." He chuckled lowly. "I never imagined myself with anyone besides myself." then I stared at him and a theory began to form.

"Wait a moment. "I walked back to the book as he looked over at me curiously. I turned the page to the quote he had read in the beginning." It says here 'male strong and proud will not have love', maybe that is it. "I said looking up.

"I don't follow." I looked over at him.

"I think, if I am not mistaken, this curse could be broken if you found and kept your love. "He tilted his head to the side." Think about it, all the males in your family have struggled with this, right? They have never found a solution, instead you all tried to learn to suppress it, right? "He nodded slowly." The passage says will not have love, it previously explained that they often found their mate who they only wanted to kill, you haven't killed me, perhaps you can break it if you learnt to love me. "I felt a rush of excitement and happiness and his eyes widened with realisation.

"Well that sucks." He huffed and I reared my head.

"What are you talking about? I'm awesome. "He pouted.

"Now I know everything done is in hopes of me falling in love with you, where is the romance?" He shook his head and slammed the book closed. I rolled my eyes.

"You could help your family. "I said and took hold of his hand. He sighed.

"I could, it's a 50/50 deal." He squeezed but his eyes glistened with hope. "It explains the weird voice." My brows furrowed at his muttered words. I tilted my head in question and he sighed. "I heard this voice. It told me that if I proved to him, it would all go away, I don't know who it was or where it came from or what it meant, but it was there, the time I was tied to your bed." he told me and I pursed my lips tightly together. "It was different from the usual sneer in the back of my mind."

"Hmmm, I guess we won't know, until you prove whatever it is. "Angus tilted his and gave a soft nod.

"This is progress," he mumbled softly and I looked over to him. My wolf purred softly in my head. Angus grasped my hand. I chuckled lightly. I guess it was progress. Although I wasn't entirely comfortable with him, I still liked him near me and I was less violent and my wolf was calm, not threatening to burst through. It was nice. I guess the Goddess really doesn't make mistakes, we just take a while to realise it.

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