12. Angus DraLuca√

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He didn't come back. Two days had gone and he didn't come back, instead I was greeted by his Beta each time of the day for those two days. Even he didn't see him. Was I surprised by how much I missed him? Definitely. Did I want him to come see me? Yes, even if it's just to yell at me or glare and growl at me for existing. I felt like a different person all together and I found myself questioning things I never would have, I found myself wanting company no matter what shape or size it came in.

"Hey, " I turned away from the window to look at Jamie, the Beta, so kind hearted I found it hard to believe he'd be able to even make a kill. Then, instead of pain, I felt anger, it washed over me like a tsunami, nearly drowning me and my hands clenched. I wish he'd untie me, but he said he couldn't.

"Hi. "I replied nonetheless. He offered me a smile before beginning to feed me like a child, I hated it. I wasn't useless, I could feed myself, I wasn't disabled and yet they rendered me so. "You have to untie me." I tried again and he gave me a frown.

"I can't." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You can't, or you won't? "I countered and he bit his lip." You don't have to trust me, but honestly, I have no desire to kill you or anyone at the moment. "He sighed and shook his head before continuing to feed me and I knew it was the end of that.

He left, leaving me to my thoughts. I think that's what made me seek company, because then the voices would start up again, each one of them fighting to be heard. I blinked fast, lonely. I was completely and utterly alone.

"How much do you want it." I blinked and looked around the room for the sweet melodic voice. "How much do you want it?"

"Who's there? "I asked in a whisper and there was a hum. The screams of those I had murdered rose and fell in my ears.

"How much do you want it?" The voice asked again, patient and melodic still. What? How much did I want what?

"How much do I want what? "I asked only to be answered by a scream only I could hear.

Ahhh! Mommy! Daddy! Help! I clenched my eyes closed as my head began to hurt. I was going insane, slowly but surely.

"How much do you want your freedom." The voice sounded clearer, more male. I wasn't sure what the correct answer to that was, my mouth gapped and I groaned as the screams came up again. It was like what people imagine the fiery pits of hell to sound, full of sorrowful screams and pleas for help. "Prove to me, and it will all go away." I was panting then. I wanted it all to go away, the guilty feeling I was beginning to feel, the headaches and the screams, I wanted them gone. I began to nod furiously, I would prove whatever I could just to get rid of them all.

"How... How do I prove it? "There was a hum, the screams stopped. I shivered at the sudden breeze I felt and no answer came. I clenched my hands I tried to sit up forgetting that I was tied up when suddenly, I sat up. I blinked in surprise as my hands were free. I stared down at the bruises left on my wrist. I bit my lip not even sure what to do. I stood and stretched. Surely I was going insane.


I had taken a shower and raided his closet. I had a burning determination, what it was for, I wasn't sure. I wore shorts and a loose fitted green shirt. I fancied myself a run so I grinned. I felt good besides the dull ache in my chest. I opened the door with caution, in case there was a guard out the door which seemed stupid considering how they would have long since entered to see what the commotion was about as I was taking a shower and everything considering their heightened hearing.

It was eerily quiet, disturbing really. But no one would have noticed my lack of liking to silence. I walked down the stairs on red alert, I was ready for any attack at any angle. I looked around the nice pack house which was always a mansion considering the large amount of people in a pack.

"Uhhh, "I jumped and looked down to see a very young boy looking up at me with shoulder length rugged hair." Who are you? "He asked with a raised brow.

"Angus," I said cautiously. He studied me for a moment.

"Keith, you look horrible, man. "He said looking at my outfit like it were trash. I looked down at the simple attire.

"Well, I borrowed them, it makes sense." The young boy rolled his eyes.

"That is no excuse. "

"Keith, come play with me." I turned to see another boy, taller and dark haired and grinning.

"As you can see, Tony, I'm trying to change a life. "Keith turned to me and sighed with disappointment. I furrowed my brows.

"Not necessary." I walked around him.

"Ok, your loss! "The young boy who seemed barely the age of 10 yelled. I chuckled and stumbled into the kitchen. There were two females. They turned to me, theirs eyes widened before narrowing suspiciously.

"Who are you?" I rose a brow.

"Don't you have heightened senses? Didn't you hear me talking moments ago? " they blinked and shook their heads.

"I was mind linking someone." The girl with shorter hair said, holding a cell on her hand.

"Me too. "

"Too bad." I said and walked around the counter to the open door.

The outside was loud, I liked it, I felt calmer because of it. The fresh breeze blew in my face as I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my pants. I noticed a group of pack members sparing. I bit my lip, withholding a grin. I was itching for a fight. I wanted to do something that would get my blood pumping and my heart threatening to escape my chest.

"Hey! "A familiar voice yelled and then a growl, before I knew it I was tackled to the ground and a large familiar wolf growled down at me. I smiled shakily, my heart pumping fast. Seeing him, even if he was angry made me happy inside, my stomach did a flip.

"Hello, mate, miss me? "I asked and there was a resonating gasp around the pack grounds, guess not everyone was aware of my existence. I thought he might swipe at me, instead he huffed and ran his large tongue along my cheek shocking me. He huffed again and got off of me, only to sit down, his chest puffed out. I wasn't sure if I was meant to stay on the ground or get up. I wasn't even sure if what was happening was part of my imagination or a cruel joke. I sat up anyway.

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