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Prod POV:
YN and I were cuddling in my hotel bed watching TV with Roc and Zendaya. "Why'd you punch that dude?" YN asked. "He called you a bitch" I replied. Just the thought of someone calling YN that made me tense up. "So I know I'm not one and so do you. It was an irrelevant comment" she answered. "Yeah my bad" I apologized. I really don't get why I just apologized I mean like I stood up for her. "Well we better get some sleep" Roc said cutting off the TV. I kissed YN's forehead then fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to four iPhone alarms going off at the same time. I sat up in bed and watched Roc slid all of the screens to stop the alarms. After the shower I took I changed into a pair of grey sweats, white T-shirt and my Cool Grey 9's.

Your POV:
I woke up the next morning to Roc, Prod, Zendaya and I's alarms going off. "No, I'm tired" I said placing an extra pillow on top of my face. "Morning people" I said getting out bed. "Morning YN" they replied. I walked to the bathroom and took my shower. After my shower I changed into my pair of blue sweats, white NIKE hoodie and my blue and white Concords. I was too lazy to do anything to my hair so I threw it in a messy bun. "Alright y'all lets go" Roc said. I put my Coach book bag on my back and put my phone in my hoodie pocket. Then I grabbed my three suitcases and walked out the door with Roc, Prod and Zendaya.

Prod POV:
We got in the elevator and if pressed the 1st floor button. The elevator door opened 7 seconds later letting us out. I rolled my suitcases to the hotel lobby seeing everybody else waiting on us. "YN and Zendaya made us late" Roc said. Everyone shared a few chuckles at that comment. "Okay let's load on the bus" Walt said. I grabbed the handles to my suitcases and rolled them with me to the tour bus. After all of our things were loaded on were set and ready to go.

(Skip to on their way to the performance)

We were all in one of the buses game rooms just lounging on our way to our last performance. "I can't believe it's our last show" Carmen said. "Y'all niggas better text me or I'm hunting every last one of y'all down" Sasha told us making us laugh. YN laid her head in my shoulder. "I love you" I said to her. "I love you too" she replied. "Damn, I need to get that on video. Do it again" Zendaya said pulling out her phone. YN and I groaned causing everybody else to laugh a little. "Okay go" she said. YN laid her head on my shoulder again. "I love you" I repeated. "I love you too" YN answered. "Awe cute" Zendaya said. Both of our phones dinged meaning she sent us the video she took.

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