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(Your POV)

Today was the day. Today is the day I would be auditioning to be a backup dancer for my favorite boy band, Mindless Behavior. All types of nerves filled my eager body. 

I took my shower last night because I was too excited, but mainly because I couldn't sleep. So when I woke up in the morning, all I did was change into some dancing clothes. I put my hair in a simple ponytail nothing big. I grabbed my purse and phone then processed downstairs.

As I was walking down the stairs, the aroma of cinnamon waffles and bacon filled the air. I got to the kitchen noticing my nose didn't deceive me because at my seat, I saw cinnamon waffles, bacon and a glass filled orange juice. After I was finished eating, the nerves filled my body again as it got closer for me to perform. "You ready baby girl?" My dad asked. "More than I'll ever be" I replied.

We arrived at the stadium a good fifteen minutes later. I looked around and about a thousand girls were waiting to inside; I also saw camping tents. No offense to the girls with tents, but camping outside of the stadium was dumb and pointless. As long as you were auditioning, you would see the boys. And even if you weren't auditioning, you still would see the boys because they had to announce who made it.

Looking to the left of me, I saw a girl lift her foot behind her head like it was nothing. "Don't let them intimidate you" my mom told me as we passed her. We walked into the building instantly standing in a line to check in. "Hey. What's your name?" a lady asked after  five minutes of waiting. "YN" I told her. She scanned a few papers before finding my name. "Alright, you go through the door on the right . Parents you go through the door on the left" she tells us. I hug my parents and walked through the door on the left.

Moments later, I was up to audition next. My palms were sweating up a storm and butterflies were flying crazy in my stomach. All types of problems came in my mind. What if I get so scared I don't dance? What if I start crying? Or worse what if I forget the routine? "Good luck" a teenage girl says as she opens the door letting me walk through the door. My whole life would change with this one audition.

When I walked into the room, I saw a grey rectangular table in the back and five chairs with people sitting in them. I looked down the row seeing Ray, Roc, Keisha, Prod and lastly Prince. Lying on the table in front of each of them lay a water bottle. The boys didn't even notice that I walked in; they continued talking. "Hey sweetie. What's your name?" Keisha asked. "YN" I answered as my tongue went dry.  The boys looked up from talking to each other and stared at me. "Hey" Prod said smiling. "Hey" I replied trying to keep my cool. "Start when you're ready" Keisha told me. I looked to the right to see Walt with a laptop. The laptop started playing the music to the song, I was going to dance to.

(Author Note: The dance you did is on the side)

The music started but I stood there frozen. My feet wouldn't move nor my arms or legs. My eyes got big as I couldn't believe that I wasn't doing anything but stare at the five judges. "Any day now" Prince stated. Hearing him tell me to start, made me even more nervous. "Okay we'll sweetie seems to me like you just wanted to see the boys. Please exist" Keisha said. "NO" I refused. "Look sweetie-" she tried to say until I interrupted. "No. I've worked really hard on this. I'm doing it again and your just going to sit there and watch" I told them. "Start the song over" I told the person controlling the music. I heard the music and I started dancing allowing all my nerves flow through my moves. My heart was beating so fast, I thought it would fall out but it went back to beating normal after the first eight count.

When I finished the dance, MB, Keisha and Walt stood up clapping. Seeing that reaction, a Kool Aid smile instantly formed on my face. "Oh my gosh, YN that was incredible. The best so far" Keisha told me. "Thank you" was all I could say. I waved goodbye and walked back outside. I could have swore I saw Prod wink at me.

My cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much. I returned to my parents with a worried look on their faces. "How was it?" my mom asked after our hug. "Well at first, I stood there frozen like a deer in headlights then they started the sting over and it went amazing. I got a standing ovation and Keisha said it was the best so far. Prod even winked at me" I told them still smiling. "Oh hell nah. You're staying home. Nope. She will not be going" my dad joked as we went to the stadium seats.

A good thirty minutes later, Keisha, Walt and the boys come on the stage to announce the names of the ladies that will be going on tour with MB. Seeing them on stage, the same nerves filled my body when I was next to audition. "We are so glad that all you came to try out to be able to say I am a backup dancer for Mindless Behavior because it takes a whole lot of guts. Over 1,000 girls tried out today and it breaks my heart to only be able to take four of you lovely ladies" Keisha said through a microphone. She started announcing girls' names and numbers that weren't mine or even close to mines.

She was the last number and I haven't been called yet. "Please give me a hand in welcoming the best dancer we've seen today. Her number is 143" Keisha said. I looked down at my number reading 143. I stood up in my seat and started crying. I couldn't believe it, I was the best dancer out of 1,000+ girls.

In order to claim my spot next to the other three dancers, I had to hug Keisha, Walt and MB. Prod hugged me longer than he did any of the other girls. "Congratulations to these four talented ladies. To all you girls that didn't make, do not give up" Keisha said stressing the not word. The girls and their parents started existing the building with tears rolling down the checks. That could have easily been me down there crying.

"Welcome to the Mindless Family! We will pick you ladies up tomorrow as your parents are telling Walt your addresses and their contact info. Great job ladies and congratulations again. We look forward to working with you all" Keisha tells us. I was still in shock that I can say that I am a backup dancer for Mindless Behavior.

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