Chapter 30: Familiar Foes

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Marshall's POV

I tried to escape the chains ... I really did. But I just... couldn't.

I tried to break through them with my vampire strength and even shapeshifting into a small bat, but for some reason my none of my powers were working.

By the time I finished trying to break free, I was even more exhausted, my face covered with sweat.

Shit! I thought.

These chains must be magic or something.

Then I had another thought.

Maybe just maybe Fi will save me...

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Why would Fi want to save me? She probably still thinks I ditched her back at the waterfall.

Besides, this whole situation is frankly just embarrassing. I shouldn't need anyone to save me. A few chains-even if magical- shouldn't be able to hold me back.


I had to find a way out of this for Fi's sake. I was just about to plan my next escape attempt when I came face to face with my captors.

"Hello Marshall Lee...," A dark figure said, "...formerly known as the Vampire King."

Formerly known as?

Wait... I know that sissy voice anywhere!

Just then, two figures emerged from the shadows.

It was the Shitwad himself...but he wasn't alone.


Fionna's POV

"So, I need to save my boyfriend from Gumbutt?" I asked Canyon. "This'll be easy. I could easily kick his ass."

"It's not as easy as you think Fionna," Canyon said.

"Why? Gumball will probably send his Banana guards after me, but I'm sure I can take them." I said confidently.

"Fionna," Canyon explained, "Before I saved you, my sacred stream turned black for one second. I've heard that when sacred waters turn dark, it means that an evil force is somewhere in Aaa. And because it turned black then this must be a serious threat. So you must be careful in your rescue mission Fionna."

I was silent for a second.

Maybe this rescue wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be, I thought.

"Well if the force is as dangerous as you say it is," I finally said, "then I'll need to assemble an army."


I gathered all my closest friends and allies of the past to aid me in my rescue mission.

Everyone was seated in Breakfast Prince's Castle.

"Okay, everyone," I said, "Marshall Lee is in trouble. He was kidnapped by Prince Gumball. I know most of you believe that I am capable of saving him myself, but Canyon told me he had a powerful and evil force assisting him in the kidnapping. So, what I'm trying to say is that I can't pull this off alone, and I gathered you all here to assemble the best rescue team in Aaa to help me. Anybody got questions?"

"Yeah, like I got one," LSP said. 'Why didn't we like have this meeting at your treehouse?"

I looked down for a second. Cake shot him a look.

I didn't want to be reminded again of how Cake and I had lost the only home we ever knew, so I said, "Because the treehouse is not that far from the Candy Kingdom and Gumball may have bugged the place or sent a spy to find out about the plan if we met there."

"Oh," LSP said. "Well I guess that makes sense." Just then Flame Prince came in.

"Fi," Cake said surprised, "What's your ex doing here? Did you invite him?"

"No," I said equally surprised. When I turned around he was behind me.

"Fionna," he finally said. "It's been a while."

"FP, what are you doing here?" I asked shyly. "I thought you hated my guts after we broke up?"

"I'm here to help you rescue the Vampire," he said, making the word vampire sound like a dirty word.

"What are you really doing here?" I said skeptical. "I know Marshall Lee isn't exactly one of your favorite people, and you how do I know you're not a spy sent here by Gumball?"

"First off Fi, Gumball isn't exactly one of my favorite people either," Flame Prince explained. "Second of all, while I don't like Marshall Lee, I'd do anything to help you Fionna. You know that."

I did know that. That was one of those things that had attracted me to him. I could also tell that FP was still pining over me by the way he was staring at me. But I was with Marshall now and I needed to focus on saving him.

"Fine FP," I said reluctantly. "You can be on my rescue team. But don't think helping me means we're going to get back together. And also, if I find out that you are working for Gumball, then so help me I'll kick your ass."

"So be it," Flame Prince said and sat down.

"So, when are we doing this Fionna?" Muscle Prince asked. "I'm ready to kick Gumball's skinny butt."

"You'll get to kick some butts, Muscle Prince," I said smiling. "But don't kick Gumball's butt. He's mine."

Cake smiled at me proudly when I said this.

Don't worry Marshall Lee. We're coming to save you.

"Here's what we're going to do..."


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