Chapter 27: A Beautopia

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I figured that Marshall was just going to take me to one of our usual spots, but surprisingly he didn't.

The place he took me to was a lush jungle with beautiful flowers and vegetation everywhere. From where we were standing, there was a waterfall that overlooked everything. It was so peaceful and beautiful and quiet that it felt like I was in a dream.

"It's beautiful Marsh," I said, still in awe.

"I know," he said. "It's our own private Beautopia. But Fi..."

"Shhh," I said putting a finger to his lip. "You'll spoil the moment."

For a while neither of us said anything just admiring the beauty and scenery. Things got so quiet that I almost forgot Marshall was there.

"Marshall?" I called out. But when I turned around he was gone. "Marsh? Marshall Lee? Where'd you go?"

There was no response. Then I got scared because I realized I didn't know how to get back to Aaa since Marshall blindfolded me before we left the cave.

I started to look around for him when suddenly I stumbled backward and fell over the waterfall...


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