Chapter 18, Worry

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The Next Morning, Natsu's Pov, 

I woke up to see myself hugging Lucy close to me. I couldn't help but smile as her. She was so beautiful and peaceful when she was asleep. I stayed laying there, using my arm to pull Lucy closer to me as I closed my eyes. I was so glad that Happy wanted to spend the night with Wendy and Carla. Lucy soon started to move as I opened one of my eyes, looking at her. Lucy was rubbing her eye as I just smiled. "Morning Lucee" I saw a smile grow on her face as she then sat up, looking at me. I played with her blonde hair.

"Morning Natsu" Lucy replied with a small yawn afterwards. I sat up, putting my hand on Lucy's cheek. She smiled at me as I got lost in her brown eyes. "God, Im lucky to have you" I whispered as Lucy laughed a little. "And Im lucky to have you, now we gotta get Igneel from Erza" Lucy whispered moving out of bed making me groan. I wanted a little more time alone with Lucy. My Lucy. Lucy changed into a pink top with blue shorts. I sighed and got out of bed and changed into my normal vest and bottoms. 

After we changed and got ready, Lucy and I headed to the guild hall. As we was walking to see could see a fire starting in Fairy Hills. Lucy's and my own eyes widen. Igneel. We started running towards Fairy Hills, hoping Igneel and the others weren't inside. "ERZA" Lucy screamed as we got outside. I started to eat the fire, slowly putting it out. As the fire went out I wiped my mouth as Lucy ran inside. I soon followed. the place was a burned messed. Erza had nearly 10 rooms in this place. "ERZA? IGNEEL?" Lucy screamed worried.

"JELLAL YOU HERE TOO?" I then shouted as we heard coughing coming from behind a door. I broke the door down to see Erza and Jellal both on the ground hurt. Lucy ran to their side helping them as I sniffed around. I couldn't smell Igneel anywhere. I started to worry even more. "N-Nick, he attacked" Erza whispered, you could tell by her voice she was in pain. Fear grew in Lucy's eyes as I started to get upset. "I-I tried to defend Igneel but he took him" Erza then whispered, looking at the ground as I was just holding myself back from hitting something.

Lucy was shaking a little as Erza hugged her. "Im sorry Lucy, I failed you" Erza then whispered as Lucy was speechless. She just stood there worried as her face went a little pale. "Let's get you and Jellal to the guild" I mumbled knowing Wendy would be able to heal them both. Lucy helped Erza up and I helped Jellal. Lucy and I then helped them get to the guild. Once there everyone looked at us worried and confused as Wendy rushed over healing them. "NICK HAS IGNEEL" I then nearly shouted upset as everyone looked really pissed off.

"LETS GO KILL THIS GUY! HOW DARE HE TOUCH ONE OF OURS" someone in the guild screamed as the others shouted back how they agreed. Gramps soon showed up looking at Lucy. "My dear, sit down, you look very pale" he sounded worried as Lucy sat at one of the tables. Levy rushed to her side, checking on her. By just looking at Lucy's face you could tell she was worried, heartbroken and looked like she was about to pass out. "We will get him back Lucy" I only made her slowly nod. Nick had to be taken down. No matter the cost.

I wouldn't let him keep threatening my family. "Nick could be using Igneel to be trying to free Zeref" Mavis's voice echoed around the Guild Hall. She soon showed up sitting on the bar next to Mira. She was looking at us all. "What do you mean?" Cana asked worried as I then looked at Lucy. "If a powerful Celestail Mage uses a spell to give up their own life to free Zeref, he would be set free from the prison we sent him" Mavis answered as Lucy's eyes widen even more. My hands turned into fist as I needed to hit someone. I felt like I had to.

"Lucy you will stay here with Levy and Mirajane" Gramps then ordered and then looked at the rest of us. "Children, we are going on a rescue mission" Gramps then nearly shouted as we all nodded and ran off getting ready to do so. I hurried to Lucy's side, giving her a peck on the lips. "I will save Ig" I whispered to her as she looked at me worried. "I promise you" I then added as Lucy just hugged me tight. I hugged her back as I kissed her forehead. She was too worried. There was no chance that I was letting Nick or anyone hurt our son.....

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