17 - Embracing the Truth

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Chapter 17 ~ Embracing the Truth


I stop screaming when my throats start to hurt. My body didn’t feel any pain at all or maybe it was an instant dead, fell with head first to the concrete.

Opening my left eye I took a pick around my surrounding before opening the other eye. I look around and was greeted by silence. Looking down I realise how I was saved.

“Get off me!” The person underneath me snaps at me. Quickly I jump to my feet and stare at Will. He stood up and began dusting himself. “You really need to stop eating those chocolate cakes.” He teases.

“What are you doing here?” I ask confuse.

“What? No thank you?” Will said slightly sounding irritated. “I did save your life.”

“Thank you.” I said feeling a bit ashamed. “But seriously what are you doing here? In fact how did you know I was here?”

Will give me ‘are you kidding?’ look. “Did you hit your head or something?” I gave him a flat look and raise one eyebrow. Will held his hand up, surrendering. “I’m a ghost my JJ. I’ll just have to think of you then.” He snaps his fingers.

“Oh.” I said lamely.

We look at each other with curiosity, not one of us making a move or a sign to talk. We stood there for minutes until we heard a faint siren. Will cuss and looked at me. “The neighbour must have heard you screaming.”

I stood stunned looking at him. Crap what do I do? I look around for any sign of exit where I know no one would see me but it was no lucky. I cuss under my breath using a very unladylike words earning a amuse smirk from Will.

“The cellar door is where the fridge was.” I turn around to see Fredrick looking at me with an apologetic smile.

“You can get out of the attic.” I look at him up and down. “Is that means you accepted your death?”

Fredrick nods his head smiling. “Hurry, you don’t have much time.”

I sprint towards the kitchen and quickly tried to visualise where Lassie put her fridge. When I was sure about the location I quickly run over there and tried to look for a sign that it was the door. “I can’t find it!” I snap frustrated.

“Here.” Fredrick said and soon the cellar door slides open. “Hurry, I’ll meet you downstairs.” I quickly grab my flashlight and made my way down.

The sound of the door echo downstairs and quickly I look around my surrounding. I cover my nose from the smell and quickly point my flashlight at my new surrounding. There was loads of grey sheet that I seen use in the old days to cover their items, the same sheets I saw in the attic when I had that strange vision dream. “What the hell is that smell?” I mumbled.

“The sign of old age.” Will say beside me starting me. “Sorry.” Will walks towards what seems to be a statue with the sheets fallen on the floor. “No one must have found the entrance when this house was bought.”

“That’s because it suppose to be a secret room.” Fredrick said starting both me and Will.

“Can you guys please stop doing that?” I said in a hush voice. They both look at me and smile at me, making me roll my eyes at them. “I been wondering, how did you know the door was under where Lassie puts her fridge? I thought you were stuck up there since… you know.”

Fredrick smile at me. “To be honest I don’t really remember clearly but I got these memories in my head that I was roaming around the house.” He pauses looking thoughtful. “I think it was the time that I was thinking that we were already dead.”

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