Chapter 1.

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Lets make this clear. I was having a wonderful date with my boyfriend Jamie Dornan on Charlie Tango, a very hot Jamie by the way. He was leaning in, just about to close the gape between us when...

"Sophie, Sophie wake up!!!"

Urghh! Why do I always have to be woken up from my dreams on the best part?

"Sophie c'mon, we'll be late for school!!" he continued to scream, pulling my arm.

However, that someone yelling in my ear was that little devil of my brother!

"Alex let go!! I'm going to kill you! You woke me up on the best part!!"

Ok, don't judge. I am absolutely, completely, obsessed with the fifty shades series, but c'mon, who isn't? It's impossible to not drool on that piece of hotness.

Anyway, turning back to reality. That little minion standing next to my bed, who also dragged me away from dreamland, was staring at me with a pissed off expression on his face.

It is his first day of school and he's more excited than me in that dream with Jamie.

What is it with kids and their enthusiasm to go to school? Jeez, I would pay to not see that hell  ever again.

Yeah, like you can see, school sucks as every single person in it. I like to call it "the jail", because that's how I feel: a prisoner stuck with criminals, that can't wait to put their hands on you. But that I like it or not, I have no choice and I am the only ride that my little annoying bro has.

"Mum ain't home again, she said she had her night shift at the hospital. You taking me?" He asks with pleading eyes.

"Sure little minion" I reply raffling his hair.

"Hey, I'm not little, I'm a stroooong man!!"

"Sure little minion, whatever makes you sleep at night", "Oh and I talked to mum, she should be back home for dinner, now go and wash your teeth before we're late"

My mum is a nurse at the New York's hospital, she's always on shifts, so shes's never home and I'm the one that takes care of Alex most of the time, but I know all her hard work is for us, to make sure we have everything we need. She's a great mum and I'm very proud of her.
Can't say the same about my excuse of a father or like I call him: "my sperm donater".
He left when I was five. Never had the chance to know why, mum has always tried to change the subject when it came to him.

Getting my head off my dad, I finally got up from bed and headed straight to the bathroom.
I really need to pee, my bladder is screaming at me.
Once I'm out of my room and open the bathroom door...

"OH MY GOD!! Oh my god?!" I immediately covered my virgin eyes. "INDIA!!! What the freaking hell are you doing in my bathroom at 7 am?!! NAKED!" I squeal.

"Hey calm down woman, I'm just having a shower. Damn pricks cut my water off! Oh by the way good morning to you too!!"

"Can you please put some clothes on? My brother could have walked in at any second!!" I said to her "and how the hell did you get in?" I added confused.

I'm sure I locked the house last night when mum went to work.

"Oh that wasn't difficult! Your little brother is easy to compromise with!"

"Can you explain what you mean with the verb compromise?"

"I just told him I would buy him loads of chocolate bars and I was free to break in your house" she winks, finishing putting her t-shirt on.

"But he's not allowed chocolate!"

"And that's exactly why I'm standing here right now"

That little minion would be the death of me some day.

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