Chapter One

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Hey you guys! I just got back in to the grove of writing so don't judge. There will be many mistakes in this book. Also, I want to announce that this book is based off of mostly fictitious things and places so no need to correct me. Only positive vibes here. The main character is arrogant and rude. You many not even like her but just read and you will watch her grow. - Thuggin

|Chapter One|

- Devyn

"Ma!" I screamed as I walked down into the den. I saw my mother sitting on the couch stuffing her face with potatoe chips. I rolled my eyes.

"Mommmmmm, how do you expect to get your pretty, clear skin back if you're eating so unhealthy?" I questioned her. She just shrugged her shoulders and began to engross herself back into Greys Anatomy. I despised of that show. All it did was kill the characters off and have some sad, pity story.

Something I don't have time for.

I snatched the bag from mom. She look at me with a 'wtf' face, but I just rolled my eyes. She never listens to what I have to say.

"Dumb bitch," I mumbled as I walked up the stairs to the regular house floor.

I watched my dad carry my baby sister and brother to their nursery upstairs. "Daddy, I'm taking a spin!" "Ok, princess. Stay away from those suspicious areas," he warned me. I nodded and I grabbed the keys to my Audi R8. I was about to hit up my best friend's house.


"Ok. So you know what happened this summer right?"

"Yeah," my bestie Jennifer replied.

"Well... my dad is making me go to a school that is like so freaking mixed. Like there's more black than whites. I don't have time for that shit."

Jen rolled her eyes along with me. I faked a throw up sound and we both laughed.

If you can't tell by now, I'm your average mixed girl. My mom is black. She's a pretty one too and not just some ghetto ugly thing. My father is a very successful white man. He has my best interest in heart and will never fail me. Although my skin color
is light-skin, I consider myself white. And of course, my shit doesn't stink. I am the best and I can and will be better than any girl that comes my way. Black girls in particular irk me. They think just because I carry some black in my blood that we can be friends. They thought wrong..... Don't get me wrong there are some cool blacks and attractive ones but they aren't my cup
of tea and I could never disappoint my daddy. The only thing they're good for is making dirty money, making babies, God-given talent, and food. Besides that? They're useless.

I lowly chuckled as I looked at Jen. She was so pretty and her skin was such a bright white color but no where near pale. You understand? She wasn't tan but her skin was really white..... She was gorgeous.

"I wish I had your skin," I mumbled as I played with my hair.

"Why?" Jen asked.

"Because. My dad's family would except me and I would be able to go to the same school as you and my cousins instead of some trash ass school....." I trailed.

"Well look on the bright side! You will get to spread your culture?"

I rolled my eyes. "I have enough of that with my dumbass mom. She's so stupid. She thinks just because she had the twins that she can sit around and be lazy. Always depending on my dad to do some shit."

"Well Devy, she did just have kids a month ago. Plus, don't you think she works hard enough?"

"She's a damn therapist but can't even help herself!" I raged.

"Ok Devy. Just calm down... Things will get much better," she reassured me.

I nodded and laid my head on her pillow. I always felt at home in Jenny's house. She had the best life. Her hair was a yellow-blonde, she had sparkling blue eyes, pearly white teeth, a C-cup boob set, a tiny bottom and waist, followed by smooth white skin. Both of her parents were white and her whole family was just the epitome of being the stereotypical white family.

Yeah, my mom and dad made more money than her parents but it wasn't worth it if the house is interracial. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

On the other hand.... I was 5"6. I had curly and busy hair that came down to my back. My skin was a pretty tan color, but it wasn't white. I had big cheekbones, D-cup breast, thick hips, and a plump butt. I also didn't have a thigh gap like Jenny but at least my stomach was flat.

In all honesty, my mothers' genetic traits made me ugly.

"I hate being mixed."

Those were the last words of our conversation as I drifted off to sleep.

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