A game of chess

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   It was the last day of the holiday. I just lay there, my mind drifting through all the events that had happened in such a short space of time. None of our holidays had ever been so eventful and I doubt they would ever again. I had seen a side of Jem I had never experienced before and hopefully would never again. Hannah had certainly learnt to look after herself without me holding her hand every step of the way. And Sophie? Well Sophie will always be rich spoilt Sophie but I guessed that's what we loved about her. And me? I had recalled everything that had happened to me over the past week. I didn't really feel different and I didn't look different apart from the raging sunburn I now had in result of sleeping in the sun. But I guess changes weren't only made skin deep.  I grimaced as the bed cover made contact with my burnt skin as I turned. I opened my eyes to see pale green ones staring back at me.

   'You know I could rub some after sun into that?' a smile rose on her red lips.

   'You know Natalie you claim not to be like Edward Cullen but he liked to watch people sleep too.'

   'I wasn't watching you sleep, your constant movement woke me up. So after sun?' she questioned.

    I shook my head at her insistence before sitting up and grabbing the after sun bottle. 'Here make yourself useful' I said handing it to her.

    Her cool hands and the soothing cream on my back made it feel so much better. I guessed the alcohol had numbed how much it had actually hurt the night before. 'Ooh that feels good' I mumbled.

   'If I knew how easy it was to please you would have offered to do this days ago' she said. Suddenly paranoid I shut my mouth.

   'You know we're leaving today?' I ask.

    'No of course not I thought you were going to stay here forever' she replied sarcastically. I turned and pushed her gently.

   'I'm serious' I said staring into her eyes.

    'I know' she finally says reluctantly before sighing. 'When I saw you 7 days ago on that beach I would have never imagined...' she cuts off and holds up her hands at me.

    I smile. 'It was definitely an unexpected holiday romance.' She drops the after sun cream before looking down at my lips and leaning foward suddenly the door handle starts rattling. 'Fuck!' I mumble Natalie quickly retreating with a wickedly evil smile on her lips.

    'On the edge, I like it' she whispers winking at me.

   Suddenly the door creaks open and Natalie now genuinely worried jumps under the bed cover. Couldn't she have hid somewhere better? With no time to think, Sophie walks in.

   'If I didn't know better I would think you were hiding a guy in here' she chuckles before adding 'we need to leave in an hour.'

   'Ow' I flinch as Natalie decides to flick my sunburnt leg.

   'What was that?' Sophie questions as if the lump under my bed cover wasn't conspicuous enough.

   'Ow nothing ow just cramp' I lie. Sophie looks unimpressed before leaving.

   Natalie jumps out from under the bed cover before getting up and locking the door making sure the lock holds this time. 'An hour? Fancy game of chess?' she grins before jumping onto the bed.

   I grab my suitcase and bag throwing them both into the car sighing. Natalie walks up the pavement as if she's only just got here and the girls don't suspect a thing as they shove their suitcases into the car. 'Nice hair' I grin looking up the tousled mess which was usually so perfect. 'Have you only just got out of your bed?' I joke.

   'Nope. I got out of yours' I shove her looking up at the girls to see if they heard anything, luckily not. 'How I will miss your abuse Lisa.'

   'Can't say I will miss your sarcasm' I retort.

    'Of course you will along with my amazing kisses.'

    'Don't be too smug, they're not that amazing.'

    'Wasn't what you were saying last night' Natalie winks.

    'Lis we're going' Jem calls from the car. Knowing we were being watch I awkwardly hug Natalie reluctantly pulling away and getting into the car. A few minutes after the car pulls away my phone buzzes;

'You call that a hug?'

I reply simple with; 'xxx'.

'You know I always collect my kisses'.

I reply grinning 'I know'. Before turning my phone off and looking out the window.

An unexpected holiday romanceWhere stories live. Discover now