Public Displays of Affection

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  I wake up full of enthusiasm. I had to get Sophie and Hannah to come out with me and Natalie tonight, but that would be easy. I decide to opt for a pink pair of board shorts and a horrendously bright top before texting Natalie;

‘Pink board shorts and orange top. This is the fashion on the poor person’s high streets’ before attaching the photo.

I soon get a reply; ‘My eyes are now forever burnt, I will have to take you shopping in New York sometime’.

 I shake my head laughing before changing into something a little less bright and heading down to Hannah and Sophie.

   ‘Girls we are going out tonight!’ I shout as loud as I can just to annoy them.

    ‘I’m up for it’ Hannah smiles. Sophie just shrugs.

    ‘Well I guess that’s a yes?’ I say perkily.

    ‘You’re awfully cheerful’ Sophie adds.

    ‘We’re on holiday. Cheer up’ I smile before heading out to the swimming pool.

   We all get ready together when the doorbell rings I quickly run as fast as you can in heels down the stairs before opening it to an amazing looking Natalie. ‘Um wow’ I say.

   ‘And well you scrub up pretty well too...for a commoner. Especially after that photo earlier’ she retorts.

   ‘Commoner!’ I screech before Sophie and Hannah comes down to join us. I quickly change my scowl to a smile ‘ready?’ they both nod before we leave.

    Me and Natalie walk down the street with linked arms just behind Sophie and Hannah. She keeps whispering horrendous jokes and innuendos into my ear making me laugh. I can see Sophie and Hannah looking behind and looking fairly annoyed at our new friendship. I just roll my eyes at their attitude. Natalie unlinks my arm and slides her arm around my waist before moving it down even further my eyes widen pulling it away before either Sophie or Hannah looked around again. I hear some guys behind us whistling at Natalie’s obvious affection towards me I turn around and glare at them before they start telling us to kiss. I just stick my middle finger up at them before running back up to an oblivious Natalie.

    ‘You need to curb off the PDA. Those guys are treating it like their own public peep show’ I murmur to her.

    ‘Me and public display of affections? Never. You must have me confused with someone else’ she smirks before kissing my cheek. I could feel myself heating up. The guys behind were whistling even louder now drawing attention from Soph and Hannah who quickly turn around.

   ‘What are you guys doing back there?’ Sophie questions.

    ‘Nothing’ I quickly reply. Could I look any more guilty? She frowns at me as if knowing there was more to the story.

     ‘Some guy just tried smacking her ass’ Natalie adds. She shakes her head ‘it’s gross what these guys do’ Sophie and Hannah turns back around before Natalie smacks my butt.

     ‘It’s not just some guys though is it?’ I glare.

    We end up going into a heaving little bar on the strip, all drinks come with free shots, what’s not to like? After a few drinks Natalie eyes the poles in the corner of the bar where a few girls and a guy were trying there hardest to look sexy sliding up and down them.

    ‘I bet you would look amazing on that pole’ Natalie says into my ear. I blush and shrug before shaking my head.

    ‘You would never get me up there’ I begin to reply when Hannah runs over and pulls me towards them.

    ‘Never?’ she says with one eyebrow up.

    Hannah runs up to the redundant pole before jumping on attempting to stay up before sliding down and landing on her bum. I roll my eyes and move Hannah out of the way. I grab hold of it before climbing to the top and swinging my legs around it, I totally never had lessons…Ok well I had a few it’s the latest weight loss fad. I looked at Hannah who looked amazed.

    ‘I told you, you could work the poles!’ she shouts. Before shifting my eyes over to Natalie, she looked stunned for a totally different reason. I quickly jump down.

   ‘You should pick your jaw up from the floor’ I mentioned to Natalie as I walk past her.

    ‘And to think I didn’t even have to pay for that show’ she added as she ran after me through the crowd. I just smiled to myself before walking towards the bar. I noticed Jem standing by the bar, she didn’t see me but left her drink and walked off. I watched the guy she was with put something into it, a few minutes later Jem returned and picked up the drink. I quickly ran over to her and knocked the drink from her hand she looked at me confused.

    ‘What the hell are you doing Lisa?’ she said accusatory.  I felt Natalie walk up behind me I could see Jem looking at me and then at her. ‘I see you’re with your girlfriend.’

    ‘Shut up Jem. That guy just drugged your drink’ she looked behind and looked at the guy.

    ‘Don’t be stupid! Go and leave me and take your girlfriend with you!’ she shouts at me.

    ‘She’s not my girlfriend and I’m telling you the truth!’ I shout back suddenly regretting the harshness of my words, I look at Natalie, she doesn’t look upset but she does step forward.

   ‘She’s telling you the truth’ she walks around to the guys pocket and pulls out an empty packet ‘here’ she says throwing it to Jem.  Jem looks at the packet and then to me and Natalie with tears in her eyes, Natalie suddenly moves to the bouncer who swiftly comes over taking the guy and the drugs with him.

     ‘I’m sorry Lis. About everything’ Jem cries holding out her arms. I walk forward hugging to comfort her. When I turn around Natalie is gone.

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