Under the stars

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    Once again I found myself opening my eyes to the morning sun that was slowly creeping into my room, I stretched before heading to the mirror. Wow I looked bad and I actually looked worse than I felt considering how many glasses of champagne I had eventually downed. I quickly scrubbed my previous night’s makeup off and changed into a t-shirt and board shorts before heading down to the kitchen. No one was up yet which considering I didn’t hear either of the girls get in wasn’t surprising, I was surprised however to see that Jem hadn’t even returned at all. I felt worried but I was sure if something was wrong she would contact one of us even if that person wasn’t me. I felt bad that I wasn’t going to try to find out where Jem was but she wasn’t just my responsibility, she’d eventually come back when the guy she’s with throws her out of his room. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water I was about to open it when my mobile buzzed, it was a message from Natalie. Unlike before I remembered everything that had happened last night including the almost kiss. I thought I would feel weird about it, but I didn’t. I hesitated before finally opening the message, my stomach was giving little flips, I frowned at how I was reacting over getting a message from this girl;

‘Morning Lis,  I dropped your friends off last night but don’t worry I didn’t tuck them into bed too, that’s an exclusive VIP service just for you ;)' 

I replied; ‘You could extend your special VIP service to my friends if you want. I can make my own bed these days :P’

I waited for a reply chuckling at how our messages quickly escalates suddenly my phone buzzes; ‘Maybe I will. I’m sure Hannah would enjoy my VIP service'

‘Go ahead…’

‘Ok I will be around tonight to do just that. 7pm sound good?’ 

‘7pm is always good.’ 

I put my mobile on the side grinning before deciding that I needed to make some food quickly, I was hungry.

  ‘Oh my god last night was amazing!’ Hannah cried as she ran out to me by the pool.
    It was now 1pm and this was the first sign that life actually existed in the villa. She pulled up the sun longer next to me before putting her towel down a few minutes later Sophie also joined us looking suitably hung-over.
   ‘Your fan…I mean your friend is awesome. She let us ride back here in the limo too’ she gushed.
   ‘Yeah she is pretty cool’ I smile.
   ‘Watch out’ Sophie croaked, she had obviously shouted way too much last night. I turned towards her wondering what she had meant. ‘She is totally crushing on you.’
   ‘No way' I chuckle nervously. 'We’re just friends’ I said, knowing otherwise.
   ‘I don’t think she knows that. Don’t lead her on’ Sophie continued.
   ‘Why would I do that?’ I say defensively.
   ‘To get all that free stuff…I don’t know. Just make sure she knows you’re just friends’ she adds before throwing her sunglasses on and falling asleep.
    ‘By the way have you heard from Jem?’ I asked Hannah.
    ‘Nope, I’m a bit worried actually. I think maybe we should call the police if she isn’t back by tomorrow’ she replied. I just nodded agreeing with her.

   7pm rolled around pretty quickly we had all fallen asleep out by the pool and were all paying for it now with our sore sunburnt skin. I didn’t initially say anything to the girls but eventually when Natalie came by I shouted that I was going out before running out of the door. This time it wasn’t a limo but a sleek red convertible and Natalie was sat in the driver’s side, she popped the door open for me to get in.
   ‘Um wow, is this yours?’ she nodded enthusiastically. ‘I would do anything to have one.’
    ‘Anything huh? But how would I know that you’re not just with me for my money? We’d have to get a prenup of course…’ she grins. I poke her in the ribs.
    ‘Shh you.’
    ‘I’ll get you one if you want. No strings attached of course unless well you want some strings’ she says winking at me.
    I look at her open mouthed ‘I’m not a charity case. I love my VW beetle.’ 
    ‘I’d love to take a ride in your beetle sometime.’
     ‘Enough with the innuendo!’
     ‘There’s no innuendo coming from here. That’s your dirty mind.’
    I just slump back into the leather seat sighing letting the wind blow into my hair, it was an amazing feeling before we eventually pulled up to the familiar yacht. We get out of the car and she throws the keys to a guy with a suit on before walking onto the yacht with me following. The staff she had been on about were now on board doing different tasks, some cleaning, some cooking and some that looked more professional. I cut the silence by asking her where her dad was, she told me he was working.
   ‘We’re recreating the titanic’ she said as the yacht moves out of the harbour onto the open sea. I just frown at her. ‘Come on’ she says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the front. ‘You can be Rose and I’ll be Jack.’ 
     I shake my head ‘You do realise that Jack dies and the boat sinks?’
     ‘In that case you can be Jack, but don’t worry I’ll let you share my piece of floating wood.’
     ‘How generous’ I reply.
     We reach the top of the yacht and Natalie stops to turn on some music before we stand by the railings. ‘…the sun is finally setting, the night sky is changing overhead’ I hear Tegan and saras song playing whilst the sun is actually setting and I start laughing loudly.
   ‘Can you be anymore cheesier?’
   ‘Nope cheese is my middle name…well actually its Jane but…’ I quieten her by placing my finger on her lips.
     ‘Shh you. Apparently I owe some kisses to someone do you know where to find her?’ I whisper into her ear. I can hear her mumbling under my finger. ‘Nope well I guess I’ll have to get this boat to turn back.’ She finally removes my finger.
    ‘I always collect what’s mine’ she whispers back before moving her lips to mine, I quickly respond pulling her closer to me. We reluctantly pull away from each other a little flustered and breathless.  ‘Totally worth the wait of course’ she finally manages to get out. I just laugh. I look out to the never ending darkness of the sea and night sky, we were now under the stars.
   ‘Can I ask you something?’ I ask and she nods. ‘Why were you at that club that night by yourself?’
    ‘I wasn’t being all Edward Cullen stalkeresque if that’s what you’re thinking. I was just walking down the street and noticed you and your friends go in. I wanted to see what it was like, I’ve never been anywhere like it. I’m used to places a little higher class’ she replies holding her hands up to the yacht we were on.
   ‘You’ve never been to a dingy little bar before that?’ she shakes her head. ‘Tomorrow I will take you to the dingiest little bar in the whole town. Don’t wear anything too expensive though’ I look at her expensive looking jacket she was wearing.
    ‘What like you?’ she chuckles looking me up and down at my board shorts and t-shirt I was still wearing. I mock punch her.
   ‘This is the latest fashion out on the high street if you haven’t heard’ I laugh back.
    ‘I think it’s cute’ she replies making me blush. ‘And it’s a date, that dingy bar won’t know what’s hit it.’

  I walk back into the villa with a grin on my face until I see Sophie and Hannah both staring at me. ‘Why are you so happy?’ they ask in unison. I shrug.
   ‘I just had a great walk’ I mumble before quickly heading to bed.

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