Nobody dances alone

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  'Tonight is the night bitches!' Jem screams from somewhere in the villa.

   Me and Hannah just rolls our eyes before getting back to doing our hair. I opted to having my hair up tonight for our first night out on the bar strip with a dress that Jem will only accuse of being a nuns as it was closer to my knees than another part of my anatomy. I touched up my makeup before heading to the kitchen where Sophie was preparing god knows what in the alcoholic beverage apartment when Jem suddenly walks in.

    'What is that? A bandage? It barely covers your ass' I cringe as I take a proper look at what Jem called a dress these days.

    'Well are a nun' she replies. I just snort at her comment whilst Hannah just chuckles to herself. 'And you Han, you're worse than a nun, you haven't even got a dress on. what's with the leggings?' Jem cuts in. Hannah's face just reddens in anger.

   'What the hell bitch!' she retorts angrily.

    'And you Soph, you're acceptable my slutty friend' Jen continues and high fives a bemused looking Sophie.

   'Um thanks Jem, I guess' she replies.

   Me and Hanna make a vow to just ignore Jem's hateful comments before taking a shot of Sophie's alcoholic concoction, whatever was in it makes me cough, it was strong stuff. We take leave and grab a taxi to what's called the strip. A hedonistic paradise where Jem would surely hook up with some guy and Hannah will most likely throw up at the end of the night with me holding her hair out of the toilet. And Sophie? Well she'll probably wander off and pass out back at the villa. Despite any amount of alcohol I drink I will usually sober up enough by the end of the night to look after them.

   'Hello lovely ladies, free entry, cheap drinks, good music' one guy calls across the road. Jem makes a U-turn towards the bar the guy is trying to promote before whispering something in his ear. 'And just for you a free bottle of champagne too.' 

   Jem smiles before dragging us inside the dingy little bar that's crowded full of drunken kids snogging each other. When I say young I mean under the age of 20 and when I said I was the mum of the group sometimes I felt like I was 60 not 21.

   I rolled my eyes before heading towards the bar where the promoter comes and tells the bar guy to give us a free bottle of champagne. I wonder what Jem told him or rather promised him in exchange for the special treatment. And our classiness extended into sharing the bottle around rather than drinking from glasses. Soon enough the fuzzy feeling you get from drinking too much started to incapacitate my ability to think straight and by the looks of it has totally incapacitated Hannah's ability to even stand. It didn't incapacitate Jems ability to pull as she wondered off with some guy through the heaving crowd whilst Sophie was still at the bar drinking.

   'My favourite song!' I scream to no one in particular before wandering to the dance floor.

    I started to dance by myself like a total loner before I felt someone grab my waist and attempt to dance with me I turned around to see a grubby guy with greasy hair smiling at me like it was Christmas.

   'Ugh go away!' I shouted at him before pulling away from his grimy hands.

   'Oh come on babe. Just one dance? No one dances by alone here.' He slurs over me.

   'Well I do! So get off of me' I cringe back.

   'She's not by herself, now back off' I hear someone say over the thumping music before they pull the guy away from me.

   I turn to say thanks to whoever had saved me from the greasy guy before I glimpse the same red hair I had seen only earlier that day. It was the girl from the beach, I inwardly groan that the only person who had come to save me was the stranger and not one of my own friends.

     'Um thanks' I say not sure how to thank her.

    'Don't mention it. Guys like that are just a nasty waste of space. Where are your friends? You shouldn't have to dance by yourself' she asks and I just shrug.

   'You tell me. Off getting drunk, having sex, being sick. Take your pick' I sigh. She looks at me genuinely saddened .

   'Well someone as pretty as yourself shouldn't be left to be mauled over by these greasy guys. You can dance with me' she grins.

   'Where are your friends?' I enquire.

    'Not here' she shrugs before holding out her hand 'let's dance?'

    I briefly look down at her hand before grabbing it as she pulls me towards the middle of the dancing mass.

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