This is where the magic happens

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   I just wanted to disappear but I couldn’t so I just locked myself in my room with enough provisions so I wouldn’t have to venture down to the kitchen. I really couldn’t cope with another fight. As soon as the boat got back to land I swiftly got off and headed towards the nearest taxi rank before coming back here. I don’t think Hannah and Sophie knew what had happened on the booze cruise between me and Jem and I’m pretty sure she wouldn't enlighten them either. I had several texts and missed phone calls all asking what had happened to me I just replied that I felt ill and that I had headed back to the villa. I had always questioned Jem’s actions and the way she was constantly making snarky comments at us but she had never became violent or such a total cow. She was the one in the wrong, she had been jealous from the moment a guy had taken any kind of interest in me and not her. I sighed and rolled back over on my bed before closing my eyes.

   I peered through my eyelashes at the sun that was edging its way into my room before checking the clock. It was 7am which meant I had slept for well over 12 hours, I stretched and got up. I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt before unlocking my door listening out for any of the girls but it all seemed silent so I decided to take a chance and descend the stairs. I unlocked the front door and left to get some fresh air that I so badly needed, my head was banging, not with a hangover just thoughts and memories of the day before. I had checked my face before I left and had noticed I still had a red mark where Jem had slapped me. I didn’t know where I was walking to, we had only been here 2 days and hadn’t ventured further than the beach and the bars but I just continued. It was a nice feeling being out so early, no one else walked the streets besides the locals collecting their freshly baked bread and the road sweepers. The silence gave me time to think, not only about the way me and Jem had fought but who I was becoming, I had never gotten so drunk that I had to let a total stranger take me home before. My mind drifted to the strange girl who I had apparently spilt my thoughts and secrets to, I hadn’t told anyone else about how I just wanted to do what I wanted to do, I felt I always had too much responsibility. And me lunging for her? I just laughed at such a stupid idea, I hadn’t ever wanted to kiss another girl. I continued walking as the sun heated up the air around me. I realise I must’ve been walking for more than an hour as I start to see more holiday makers make their way to the sun loungers to get the best skin burning experience.  I started to approach a harbour area, I could see huge boats alongside commercial boat trips including the one I had been on only yesterday.

    ‘Lisa?’ I heard someone call from somewhere. I looked around but I couldn’t see who had called me. ‘You’re up early for such a party animal’ they continued. ‘Up here!’ I look up in the general direction they were calling from before glimpsing the familiar red hair of the girl from the beach. She was on the biggest private yacht in the whole of the harbour, it was impressive and expensive looking. I soon realised I still didn’t know her name before suddenly feeling embarrassed by that fact.

    ‘Hi’ I mumbled looking up.

    ‘Come up’ she said.

     ‘Well there’s something about that. My mum said I should never get onto expensive yachts with strangers’ I added. I could see her grinning.

    ‘Technically I’m not a stranger though’ she grinned.

    ‘When I still don’t know your name or rather don’t remember your name, therefore you’re a stranger’ I concluded sticking out my tongue like a child at the end of a fight. Suddenly she disappeared from view before appearing on the bottom part of the yacht at the end of the boats gangway

   ‘It’s Natalie, now we’re no longer strangers though I thought the whole being strangers thing would have disappeared along with me tucking you into bed’ she smirked. ‘Would you Lisa, like to board my boat?’ she said raising her eyebrow. I just huffed at her obvious use of innuendo and shook my head in exasperation.

    ‘Ok I would like to board the boat’ I replied.

    Stepping on the gangway I walked up to where she waited for me. Suddenly the gangway lifted up in response to a wave that had rocked the boat throwing me forward.  Before I fell I felt two hands catch me until another rock of the yacht pushed both of us over. I put my hands forward to stop myself from completely falling on top of Natalie. ‘Ow’ I complained before attempting to move off of Natalie the best I could without losing my balance.

   ‘So soon Lis? You only had to ask if you wanted to be on top’ she laughed looking up into my mortified eyes.  Her innuendos had started to annoy me but I could also play at this game.

   ‘And to think you didn’t even have to get me drunk this time’ I smiled innocently back, staring directly back into her eyes.  I was going to go to hell for what I was going to do. I moved my face closer to hers until we were only centimetres apart, hovering my lips from hers. I could feel her breath accelerating and her face reddening, I jumped up before adding ‘maybe another time’. Her eyes widened in annoyance and frustration before she exhaled. Hannah had been right, this girl was totally in my fan club and from her reaction she was the leader of it. She suddenly pushed herself up before acting all cool like nothing had happened. ‘Anyway nice place you have here’ I said looking around.

   ‘It’s my dads’ she shrugged. ‘Have a look around.’

   ‘No one’s here?’ she shook her head. Who was her dad?

    ‘Lonely’ I whispered to myself but I saw her glance over with a sad look in her eyes.

    I followed her around her own personal floating hotel, the kitchen, games room, film room, bar area and finally the bedrooms. ‘Our staff will be coming later when my dad comes back’ she added as we stopped outside her bedroom. My mouth popped open at the mention of staff.

   ‘Who’s your dad? You must be loaded’ I asked.

   ‘He owns a firm that builds hotels and clubs, he actually owns some of them too. You see that one over there’ she points towards a huge 5* hotel. ‘That’s ours.’

     ‘Umm wow’ I was speechless.

    ‘And this is where the magic happens’ she said bursting my bubble before opening the door onto another bedroom. It was so plush looking but also so normal looking with the posters that were attached to the expensive looking wallpaper. I settled my eyes on a huge bed and I thought the villa had amazing beds. ‘Don’t get any ideas’ she added. I just shake my head.

   ‘Just shush you. I was drunk ok, nothing will ever happen’ I almost shouted putting my hand on her mouth to keep her from making any more comments. I could hear her mumbling something into my hand before I finally gave in and released her.

   ‘Well I better get you drunk then. I know I said I wasn’t that type of girl but…’ she cut off.

   ‘You would never’ I said pretending to have shocked looking face.

    ‘You won’t want to come to my club tonight then?’ my face dropped.

    ‘You have your own club?’ she nodded grinning.

    ‘You’ll get VIP treatment too’ she added.

    ‘No alcohol though’ I quickly added. She shrugged before shaking her head.

    ‘Of course not’ she said although I didn’t quite believe her. I needed a night away from Jem and what better way than with VIP access into one of the best clubs on the island.

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