Parties and innuendos

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We left the bar abruptly after what had happened to Jem and it felt good getting back to the villa altogether. I don’t think I will forgive everything that Jem had said or done to me, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I cared for her especially after seeing the fear in her eyes after realisation of what could have happened hit hard.  She had been my friend since we were 5, it had always been me, Jem, Sophie and Hannah and I don’t think no amount of arguments would ever change that.

For once I had actually stayed in bed long after the sun had rose and I swiftly put on my bikini and headed for the pool. I overheard Jem and Hannah talking.

   ‘You mean you actually got into the VIP section of the club?’ Jem asked and I could see Hannah nodding. ‘I wish I could have gone…so Lisas number 1 fan is actually a millionaire? That’s pretty awesome’ Jem continued sounding clearly impressed. They had obviously heard me coming and both turn towards my direction. ‘We were just talking about your fan…I mean Natalie. You know I’m sorry for the way I acted and for everything I said about you and her. Of course I know you're not into girls’ she said sincerely. I felt my cheeks heating up before I decided to quickly divert the conversation.

   ‘So Soph mentioned that we should have a party. Like a leaving party for our last day here’ and both their eyes lit up with interest.

    ‘Totally! We need to show everyone what they’ll be missing when we leave’ Jem added.

    ‘You should invite Natalie to say thanks for the other night’ Hannah piped up eyes wide with enthusiasm.

    ‘Yeah I’ll see if she’s free’ I replied but in truth I hadn’t heard from her since the previous night but I decided to text her again anyway;

‘Party at the villa? Hannah wants you to come :) ’

I receive a text back quicker than I had expected;

‘Just Hannah?’

‘And me xx’ I quickly replied adding the kisses on as an afterthought but I didn’t receive anything back this time.

  Sophie should have been a party planner, she planned out the party and decorated the villa in 4 hours. I suppose when you’re rich the money speaks for itself. The pool area looked amazing covered in tiny lights and so did the alcohol and entire table full. We had decided to invite some of the locals we had met as well as people we had all met on our travels around the resort. One by one people began to come through the villa and to the pool area. Sophie didn’t want her parents on her case if their was a cleaning bill so she wanted to keep everyone outside. One thing that didn’t exactly mix was water and alcohol but for some reason she’d rather tell her parents that someone had drowned in the pool rather than that someone had spilt their drink on the rug.

   Jem made her way through the growing crowd towards me with a smile on her face. ‘There’s someone who has come to see you’ and my hopes were raised before quickly falling as I peered Rob walking towards me. ‘And I promise I will not try to steal him tonight’ she adds as an afterthought before leaving. It felt awkward like it had been months rather than day’s since we had last spoken.

   ‘Um hi’ he grinned with his perfectly white teeth.

    ‘Hi’ I replied. However after an awkward start we began talking like we were best friends, he was just a great guy to talk to.

   I told him that I was going to grab us both drinks before heading in to get some, Sophie had given me special house clearance as long as I didn’t drop anything. I walked towards the drinks when I noticed familiar red hair. Natalie looked at me smiling before making her way towards me.

   ‘You know I always collect my kisses’ she whispered.

    ‘I know’ I whispered back.


    ‘So what?’ I replied sticking my tongue out like a child before rolling my eyes and turning back around ‘laters.’

   ‘Don’t you roll your eyes at me Anastasia Steele, you know your punishment for that’ she said with no humour in her voice. Her fifty shades of grey reference makes me chuckle.

    I turn back to face her. ‘So first the silent treatment and now you’re going all fifty shades on me?’

   ‘It’s how I roll’ she said with a smile finally creeping onto her face.

    I continued walking back to Rob with the drinks and I knew Natalie was following me despite her not making a sound. I finally stop and turn towards them both. ‘Natalie this is Rob and Rob this is Natalie.’

    ‘Nice to meet you’ Rob begins with a glint in his eye as he looks her up and down.

    ‘Likewise’ she responds not so enthusiastically.

After what felt like forever I decided to head back into the villa. It was scary how much they had in common and how boring their conversations were so I left them to it. I began walking up the stairs before I felt a hand grab my wrist stopping me mid step.

    ‘How about we ditch this place and find somewhere more private?’ I hear Rob ask from behind me.

   ‘Um no’ I reply. I tried to pull my hand away from his grip which only made him tighten it even more. ‘Ow get off me!’ I say louder with more impatience. Suddenly I can see Natalie make her way towards us and he obviously does too, loosening his grip.

   ‘Let go of her!’ Natalie says with so much anger in her voice it even makes me flinch.

   Rob frowns and looks at me before I add ‘I just don’t think it would have worked out’ and he lets go of my wrist before leaving.

   I was a little shaken up so I just turned and walked up to my room. I get to my door when I hear Natalie behind me. ’I’m going to head off now’ she says sincerely walking slowly away from me.

   ‘What no sarcasm?’ I ask.

   ‘Nope not tonight.’

   ‘And I was hoping you might help me make my bed’ I say and I hear her turn and walk back to stand directly behind me.

   ‘I could do that’ she whisperers, her warm breath on the back of my neck giving me chills. I turn around and look into her eyes, she stands barely inches away from me. Suddenly she places her hands on my arms and gently pushes me back into my room. She kicks the door shut behind before continuing to push me towards and onto my bed, I lie back onto it. I feel my hands tremble and I can see she does too as she grabs both of them. 'Are you scared?' she asks seriously. I shake my head.

   'No you just make me nervous?' I say barely making a sound.

   'Nervous?' she smiles.

   'I don't know what you're going to do're exciting.'

   'Exciting? Does this make you excited?' her grin widens even more as her lips are almost touching mine.

   ‘Are you now going to ask me to board your boat?' I chuckle eyebrow raised looking up at her.

     ‘Enough with the innuendos! And by the way it’s not a boat it’s a luxury yacht’ she adds before kissing me.

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