Hazy memories

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      I open my eyes slowly to the glaring sun that was pouring through the window knowing it was going to hurt after the night I had had. I try to remember what had happened after drinking the bottle of champagne that Jem had somehow blagged off the bar promoter but it all comes back to me hazily.  Jem would probably be pleased with the progression I had made by drinking and not giving a care about anyone else. I was suddenly worried about whether Hannah had got home without me. I knew Sophie and Jem could take care of themselves but Hannah could never handle her drink. I made a sudden move to get up instantly regretting it knowing I would have to take some painkillers before doing anything else.

    'Hey Lisa, I thought you'd never get up. You were passed out for the count.'

   'What the hell?' I almost shout before opening my eyes back up again.

    I look up to see the sun glistening off of the girls red hair that stood above me. She was just smiling at me before I could recollect enough memories to remember it was the same girl from the beach and the same one that had saved me from the greasy guy the night before. I could suddenly feel my cheeks heating up before pulling up the bed spread to see that thankfully I was still dressed.

   'Don't worry we didn't do anything' she grins before frowning 'although I'm sure you would have if I didn't stop you.' My cheeks reddened even more than before I couldn't even form a reply to what she had just said. 'I don't take advantage of drunken girls, it's just not my style' she winks.

    'Umm what happened last night? I don't remember anything' I finally string a sentence together.

    She sits down beside me. 'Long story short there was this guy all over you and I saved you from his prying fingers. Your friends were nowhere in sight you said they were off having sex or getting drunk or something. We danced and then you drunk some more saying you were fed up of not having fun and that you just wanted to do things without wondering what everyone else thought. And then you lunged at me before I decided you had enough and got enough out of your mouth to know where you were staying.' 

   'Ok...that sounds nothing like me. First of all I never get that drunk and second of all I don't like...'

    'Girls?' she suddenly finishes my sentence.

    'Um yeah and there's that' I say suddenly embarrassed.

    'Well are you sure about that? Conforming to your friends will probably get tiresome I can imagine' she says before standing up and walking out of the room before returning. 'Oh I forgot' she bends down to me before hesitating an inch away from my lips. I looked down at her red lips that almost grazed mine 'Maybe another time?' she winks at me before walking out the room this time with no return.

I finally change out of last night's clothes into some clean ones, it felt so good to brush my teeth and drink some water. I finally made it down the stairs to the smell of bacon that came from the kitchen. 'Oh look who's decided to get up and grace us with her presence' Jem sneers at my direction.

   'Where the hell did you disappear to last night?' Sophie asks.

   'Where did I disappear to? If you remember you all left me!' I respond angrily.

   'Did you hook up?' Jem asks sincerely, like she thinks I would actually be like her. My mind suddenly recounted what the red haired girl told me, maybe I wasn't so innocent after all. I just shook my head.

    'Where did you last see me to last night?' I ask with no reply.

   'Actually I remember something' Hannah suddenly comes around into the kitchen adding to the conversation. 'Yeah, I finally dragged my ass to a seat and I remember you were with your fanclub' she chuckles.

   'That girl from the beach?' Sophie asks.

   Hannah nods. 'Yeah the girl with the reddish hair. Lisa looked drunker than I was by that point, from there who knows' she shrugs.

    The girls just stare at me obviously wondering the same thing as me. What happened to me last night and who the hell was this girl.


 'Scream if you're having fun!' the guy calls from the speakers.

    Despite being completely hung over I had been talked into going on the infamous booze cruise. The music was thumping and the drinks were definitely flowing. It was as bad as everything I had heard about them. They had drinking games and sex games that just the thought of them made me feel sick. I tried to find a corner of the boat that wasn't covered in copulating couples or sick.

   'Hi, didn't think I'd see you here' a voice from behind me says before turning around to see the guy from the beach in front of me.

   'My friends dragged me on here' I huffed.

    'Same. I can't stand these things' he held his hands up gesturing to the grossly horny couple next to us. I just laughed. We talked about our friends and our jobs and about what types of films and music we liked before I saw Jem heading in our direction I sighed.

   'Hey handsome' she slurs to the direction of the guy who I was with who I had found out was called Robin. He steps back from her prying hands.

   'I need to use the toilet, I'll be back soon' I say before adding 'real soon' in the direction of a nervous looking Rob.

  After fighting the queues of people wanting the toilet to throw up in or for other uses I finally made it back to Rob before resting my eyes upon Jem trying to stick her tongue down his throat. 'Jem!' I scream. 'Get off  him!' I shout before grabbing her away from a mortified looking Rob. She turns around to face me before slapping me. I just blink in shock. 'What the hell was that for Jem?!' I half scream still shocked at what had just happened. I turn to see a small group forming around what they thought was a fight, although I wasn't doing any of the fighting. 'You're a jealous bitch Jem, can't keep your grubby hands off of anything' I half mumble knowing the audience we now had.

    'You are no fun, I don't even know why I'm friends with you. Anyway why would you even be interested in him?' I look at her confused. 'Confused are we?' she sneers. 'I'm sure you are I mean you don't even like guys do you? I saw that girl leaving your room this morning' she grins. I realised how angry I must've looked when Jem even took a step back. I didn't retort though I just turned and locked myself in the toilet until I could get off this godforsaken boat.

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