Chapter 20

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Ariana's POV

"I already fall in love with you.", I said by stuttering.

Justin's eyes turned darker and looked at me which a look which brought me fear, he raised his voice at me "You shouldn't, Ariana. You shouldn't fall for me because I don't love you.".

I looked away from him and whispered "Yes, I know. I don't expect you to love me back either.".

I took a few second of pause and continued by elevating my head and locked his eyes contact with me, I said in a cracky tone "But isn't that what am I doing all the time? Trying to love you and make you learn to love me? I tried and I thought I had changed your mind away from Xenia.".

He glared at me and corrected me "Ariana, love is a feeling, it's not a mission, it's not a part of your job as well. You can't force me to love you, I have my feeling as well.".

He handed me a cheque and said instantly me without giving me a chance to speak anymore "Ariana, please stop speaking. You are torturing me right now. I can't... I just hope that you can accept this and have a better life.".

I took the cheque from him and skimmed through the number written on the cheque, I elevated my head to reach his eyes level, I rolled my eyes and tore the paper into pieces and threw them away by smashing right on Justin's face.

I raised my voice at him in pain "I don't accept your humiliation. You should know I am not this kind of girl.".

Justin furrowed his eyebrows and argued "Ariana, I know you are not this kind of girl, I just try to help you. To make you have a better life, a life without money worries.".

I locked my eyes contact with him and said "No, you don't know me. If you do know about me, you should've known that I won't accept this money. This money may not help me, but it's a humiliation to me. Yes, I admit that I married to you for money, but that doesn't mean I am a golddigger who is only inspired by money.".

I took a pause and continued "Don't worry, about the money of my debt in our contract, I will look for a proper job and return you to the exact number.".

He argued in anger "Ariana, I am not humiliating you. You don't have to return me those money, just take those as divorcing fee. I don't want your money, but you need money to start a new life.".

I raised my voice at him "Justin, do you ever take my feeling under your consideration? Do you ever give a fuck about my feeling? Do you ever care about me, about things I want, things that I actually want, things that not related to money, mansions and fancy cars? Remember what I told you, I just want you to be happy and healthy, that's all I want from you, not your money.".

I wiped my tears and tried to stop crying but I failed miserably, I said "Justin, I am human as well, I have feeling. I can fall for anyone, I can love anyone, but I never expect you to love me back. Growing feeling on people is easy, falling for someone is easy, but loving someone is not easy especially when this comes to you, Justin.".

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me confusedly and irritatedly "What do you mean?".

No more fake chuckle or fake giggle from me anymore this time as my heartbreak turned to numb and an indescribable yet complicated feeling "Loving someone should be a feeling full of happiness and sweetness. Spending time with people you love should be the most romantic things in life. Everyone wants to love and to be loved. But, you are different, Justin.".

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