Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

Sitting on the cold concrete floor and tried to recall everything which had happened few years ago on me.

Tears still couldn't stop streaming down my face. It's been 5 years but the pain in the tears was still the same.

The wound wasn't a wound anymore, the blood had dried, the bruise was already fully recovered but the scar still exists.

The truth was cruel and it's torturing me every single day. I tried to move on from the pain but the pain was too much and too heavy for me.

Everything just felt like yesterday even though it's been 5 years.

Today is the day to bring me back to the day of 5 years ago. Today is the day for me to face my fear. Today is the day that I've been waiting for since that 5 years ago.

I rested my whole body against the wall and took a deep breath, I sighed while allowing tears rolling down from my eyes "Why are you doing this to me? I need your answer.".

Suddenly, someone interrupted my thoughts which caused me wipe my tears away and push my emotion away immediately.

A police security with a tidy uniform pushed the gate open for me and held a smirk at me "Good Morning, inmate 0825. A big day for you today. Guess what? You are free now.".

He added "Well, you are doing great in the prison by following every rule here without any trouble, so this has shortened your time in prison. This is your reward after showing discipline and behaving well in the prison.".

I took a deep breath and stood up from the cold concrete floor, I tried to hide my excitement and to stay calm. I walked to him and shook my hand with him, I smirked "Thank you so much.".

He nodded and instructed me "Well, let's go to the registration room.".

I nodded and followed him. He put the handcuffs on me and brought me to registration room.

I followed him and did some signatures on some documents before I officially left this place.

I finished my signature and the officer held a smile at me, he showed me his hand and wished me "Well, inmate 0825, I hope that we won't see you again.".

I shook his hand and nodded "Sure, not anymore.".

I winked at him mischievously "Don't call me inmate 0825 anymore. Call me Mr Bieber from now on.".

After changing myself and returning them the dirty and orange prison clothes, the huge main solid doors were pushed opened for me. I could feel an unfamiliar huge strong wind, fresh air and the warmth of the sunlight hit on my skin. .

This is the feeling, the feeling I've been waiting for 5 years, freedom.

The policeman took out a key and unlocked my handcuffs.

Finally, I am free.

I took my first step out from the hell barefooted, so that I could feel the warmth of the sand and no longer the cold concrete anymore.

I elevated my head and two familiar figures were noticed not far away from me which brought me a smile, my parents.

I walked to them and gave them big hugs immediately. My mom dashed to me and sending me a really tight big hug, her voice turned shaky as I knew she's crying but happy tears "Oh my gosh, Justin, look at you, you look so thin. You must be not eating much in the prison. Did you get bullied inside there?".

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