Chapter 24

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Justin's POV

"Hey, Justin. This is Ariana. I... I hope you can hear this when you switch on your phone. It's okay if you don't want to, but if you do, please don't listen to this beside Xenia, because I don't want to turn into a laughing stock again in front of her. Um... I just want to tell you that I am leaving. Don't worry, I had signed the divorce paper which was kept in the drawer of your table in your room. I will leave you in peace just as I promise. I hope you don't try to look for me even though I think you won't. But, thank you for everything, Justin. Thank you for everything, Justin.".

I really missed this sweet innocent voice even though it's cracky and shaky in the voicemail.

I missed her touch and her cute little smile, I missed her left dimple so much whenever she's smiling, I missed every part and every little detail about her.

I never knew her disappearance could be so suffocating, it was a part of my plan but who knew it turned out I am the only who's heartbreaking, I felt so regret instantly for my decision.

Suddenly, someone interrupted my thought by knocking the door of my office before entering.

"Hey son, still listening to her voicemail?", my dad questioned me with a look full of worries and sadness.

I remained sitting on my chair but unplugged my earphone hesitantly, I shut my eyes and denied "No, just listening to some songs.".

He held a smirk for not buying my excuse and took a seat across me, he said "It's been a week, son. She had gone for a week long. You have been listening to her voicemail on repeat every day, every second. You have to...".

My eyes remained shutting and cut him off with a forceful smile by murmuring "Dad, I am alright. Just a little tired. You don't have to worry about me.".

He nodded to show me his understanding, he suggested after taking a look on his watch "Well, it's lunch break now, wanna take lunch together? I will drive.".

I shook my head and replied "No, I am not hungry. I am staying here to get some rest.".

He nodded again for his understanding and left.

After making sure he had fully disappeared in my office, I walked to the big window and realized it's already started getting cloudy.

Looking through the window to the view and dark clouds in the sky, it reminded me a lot of the day when Ariana left me.

I sighed in defeat and worries "Ariana, where are you?".

"Mr Bieber, are you sure about this? It's going to rain afterwards tho. I can drop you wherever you want.", my driver stopped me and questioned me worriedly after exiting the huge building without an umbrella.

I held a friendly smile at him and replied "Don't worry, I am already an adult now. I just need to walk alone now.".

He suggested by handing me an umbrella "Well, at least keep this with you. It's going to rain anytime. Besides, you have meeting later, you can't get wet tho.".

I rejected without receiving the umbrella "It's okay. Trust me, it won't rain. I will come back on time right before the meeting started.".

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