Chapter 48 Hazy

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An inoccent girl was walking down the driveway.  The rain was pouring down and soon the thunder and lightening would join in with the rain.  But she didnt really care.  She walked down the driveway listening to music.  Her iPod tucked into her jacket pocket. 

Her rubber black and rainbow spotted boots soaking in water and making it fizz as she stepped.

Her hair had water droplets and was getting wetter as the rain came down harder.

She started down the street to her bus stop.  Her backpack feeling heavier as she walked.

It kept slapping her back as she walked on.

The music was the only thing that was keeping her going..

She saw a bus coming her way.

Not hearing any traffic she kept on walking ignoring the bus. 

The bus buzzed by her as she was still walking to her stop.

She finally came to the rock that marked that she was at her stop.

She sat down knowing that it would be fifteen more minutes until the rest of the people would come.

In the meantime she listened to music.

If not for the music she would be bored out of her mind.

As the time passed more people came to the stop.

Soon she heard the bus and she walked toward it.

The others joining behind or stepping in front of her.

She picked her usual seat but somebody else was there today...

A new kid


She had bland dark brown straight hair, she was wearing a lime green v-neck sweater, and black yoga pants, with sneakers.

She had a bright blue shoulder backpack with the initials B.R.

Somebody poked me in the back a sign to move on and get to a seat.

I walked an empty seat in the back.

I settled in and just let the thought leave my mind.

Finally i got off and walked with the many others to the door that was my usual.

For there were many others that would be situated for different parts of the school.

I opened the heavy metal door and went to my locker.

I put my stuff away my hair dripping on my binders and planbook.

I blew a piece of hair out of my face and went on to my classroom for i was not one for chatter.

I saw many others pass talking with others or hurrying in pace to go somewhere.

I came to my room and sat down getting ready for class and anouncements to start!

But i had beaten the bell by fifteen minutes time to waste was very valuable for me.

I quickly looked through my stuff to make sure i had what i needed for the next class.

I had my homework and any work i hadnt finished in class.

I sighed still had more time almost all the seats were filled but of course the usual seats were not filled.

The ones that were of the boys that really liked to cut it close but rarely got a late mark.

I just liked to play it safe you have no idea what could happen if you play with fire!

That was not my style.

Four boys raced into the room breaking my concentration.

They flew to their table and landed on their seats.  Just as the bell rang.

One boy even for attention fell to the floor chair tipping over next to them.

Mrs. Vicardi walked over to the boy hands on her hips eyes narrowed.

Late again Mr. Carmen.

She marked with a pen on her clipboard.

With a click of her heels she walked back to her desk. 

Putting the clipboard down.  She looked down at a paper.

Then looked at the clock hanging over to the right of the door.

The overspeaker started ringing the principals voice over the halls.

Saying all the usual and one new anouncement:

School dance next Friday

Last i checked it was Monday!

"Kendra, Kendra, Kendra" said a familiar voice.

I looked around the classroom but everyone was listening to the anouncements or talking with someone else.  There wasnt anyone who would have obviously been calling me!

I suddenly felt a pain in my head.  A lot of pain suddenly took over me.  My vision became blurry.

I tried to call out for help but everyone was ignoring me and was listening to the speaker.

I started to fall, fall , fall, until everything just dissapeared!



So what do you think happened??

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