Chapter 28 Are you serious?!

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I was so anxious for the day to end.

As soon as the clock struck 5 i ran out the door.

  I waved to my clients on the way out saying good byes.

I ran to my car and started the engine so hurried that i didnt see the gas level.

About half way there when i heard warning dings.

I looked at the gage for gas.  It was low.  The sign was getting more hurried of the blinking of a gas station in red.

"No" i whimpered.

The car slowly started to slow down until it stopped.

I sighed hitting my head on the steering wheel.

I slumped back in my seat.

Cars beeped and swivled past my car.

I stayed like that for 20 minutes. 

Cars kept on going past my car.

Until one car pulled over on the side.

I recongized the car but didnt remember.

I squinted trying to make out the figure.

As the figure got closer i sat up.

I finally knew who the figure was:


I embarressed sat up straighter.

I rolled the window down.

"Hey it looks like you need some help?" he asked.

I smiled all girly like..

He opened the door for me and i stepped out.

"Thanks so much!" i said.

"No problem anytime so let me take you to-well where were you going?" he asked confused.

"I-um-was heading for the hospital!" i said trying to recover myself from the stammering and stuttering.  Not again was i going to embarress myself in front of him by stammering!

I walked to his Jeep but it was a fancy jeep not like any other i had seen.  I sat in the passengers seat while he drove toward the hospital.


"So why are you going to the hospital anyway...?" he asked unsurely.

"Well, you see this morning my mom was in a drunk driver crash and she well...was brought there." i answered trying not to tear up.

Adrian was quiet for a minute.

"i am sorry." he eventully said.

We drove the rest of the way in silence.

He dropped me off saying that he would call a taxi for me and he gave me money.

At first i wouldnt except it but after that i had to take the money.

He also said that he would call a tow truck for my car and have it delivered to me. 

I of course didnt let him cover the cost but he won anyway.


I walked into the hospital.

I walked up to the lady at the desk.

I gave my mothers first and last name to the woman she told me the number.

I went up all the elevators until i finally got to her door.

As i was about to knock a nurse opened the door and closed it behind her.

"Hi i am Kendra her daughter i was wondering how she was doing?" i asked sweetly.

"Well, you may see your mother for 10 minutes then we will tell you the story."

As i was about to open the door.

"STOP! you know what it would make since if we told you what her story was!" she smiled.

I followed her down to a empty room looking like an office.

I sat down and she started her story.

"When your mother came here we kept her alive but it seems that something took away her hearing and we tried everything but basically what i am trying to say is."

She took a deep breath.

"Your mother she may be permanently death!!"


Dun dun dunnnnnnn Cliffhanger!!


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H2o Just Add water

Maddies Diaries

Scooby Doo

Gods and Goddesses Drama

I had others but i didnt like them and deleted them

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~ Cashergirl

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