Chapter 42 A son of a 'friend'

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I felt upset that my mom had stormed off.

What was the big secret?

I mean what exactly was she trying to hide from me?

i decided to sit on the bed and think of good things.  Like Jason:


I was walking in the halls when Ron ran up to me telling that Jason wanted me to tell him all about how i feel about him!

I decided to make it face to face to Jason.

i walked up to him:

Me: I wont tell you what i think until you tell me what you think of me first.

Jason: Well, actually i wont tell you either

Ron: The only reason that Jason wont tell you is that he wants you to tell him first so then he can tell you that he likes you!

Jasons face turned red as always he looked down while looking at me.

He was becoming so shy i hated it

I had already earlier told him to smile and he did it for me!

Kendra Kendra!

End of Flashback


I wasnt zoned out anymore and fell off the bed.

"What are you doing here?" asked my mom.

"I was-um-i uh i was just thinking about something!" i said smoothly.

My mom walked toward my bed.

"Listen" she sat down on the bed next to me looking down.

"I am really sorry that i cant help you but at least i want to do is make your life horrible.  Make you stressed out and all.  But-" she looked up at me.

"I really cant tell you what is going on but" she put up a finger.

"I have a guest coming tomorrow and i think that you will like to meet him he is a son of a friend."

She left not even looking back.

She left me to think about this all by myself.

I thought

A son of a friend.

What does that mean?


What do you think Kendra's mom is planning?  Why is she saving the money?




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Sorry its short :(

After my Normal Life By Cashergirl Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora