Chapter 39 Keep it Coming

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That night i heard the door in my guest room creak open.

I quickly went to the window and saw that it was father.

I gasped and shut my door.

"What are you doing here?" i asked him.

"I am waiting for your decision!" he exclaimed as if it were obvious.

"Wait how did you know i was here?" i asked.

"I have people tracking you dont you remember.  I have a micro chip stuck in your neck and i have had it since you were little."

I rubbed the side of my neck where i had a mark. I had always thought that it was a birth mark.

I gasped.

Why hadnt i known that?

"So what will the answer be?" he pulled me out of my thoughts.

"No i am staying here!" i said firmly.

My father looked crushed.

"No father listen i just think that this is better for me."

He nodded and then left slowly.

I glanced at my clock : 2:59

I opened my door and i went back to bed more dreams about middle school and Jason coming together.

I smiled.

When i woke up it was 10!


I walked downstairs in my same clothes.

It was awkard with a boy that you were friends with to live with.

He looked adorable.


At home on my computer emailing while doing homework

Friend:you can tell by the way Jason looks at you

Me:What do you mean?

Friend: Do you see how Jason looks at you?

Me: No how does he look

Friend: Its really hard to explain!

Me: Please tell me!

Friend: Its like a dreamy look

Me: What kind of dreamy look

Friend: I dont know

Me: What else does he look like?

Friend: Like he is guarding soemthing

Me: Wht?

Friend: Like he is guarding a secret

Me: Well the way i see it is he looks at me and smiles and then looks down but still looks down while still looking at me

Friend: ya that is a sign of love <3

Me: Wow really like love like a crush or just thinks i am pretty?

Friend: Both

Me: Well how do i  look when i look at him?

Friend: Well you have a normal face but your eyes are dreamy!

Me: Wow i guess i have to train my eyes :)

Friend: Ya i guess..

End of Flashback

After my Normal Life By Cashergirl Book 2Where stories live. Discover now