Chapter 2 Wheres Avery?

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I was home everything was busy and packed.

"Liam can you take Austin to soccer practice and Avery to dance class" asked Harry.

"But I am late for a date with Anna," whined Liam

"Well, I am late for a haircut appointment." shot back Harry.

"I'll take them" offered Zayn.

Zayn grabbed Austin's soccer bag and Avery's dance bag. He buckled them up kissing them each on the forehead and drove off.

Harry drove off too, and then Liam.

"Louis" whined Alexia. "My gymnastics tournament is in a hour I can't find my suite for it."

"Okay sweetie. What color is it?" Louis asked.

"It's silver daddy."

They both went searching for it.

I just sat on the large couch watching everything happen like an angel.

Carter was at a friends party.

Cody was studying.

Quinn was checking her new apartment cleaning it for when she moves into it.

Brooke was begging Niall for a new phone.

"Dad can I please have the new iPhone 5 please?" she begged.

"What's wrong with your iPhone 4?" Niall asked "plus aren't you old enough to pay for your own phone?"

"It's so out of date though."

Niall tried to tell her that they are the same.

Dylan was watching Peter Pan. Even though he was only 3 it still fascinated him!


Later we all went to the movies.

Avery was crying that her, Dylan, Austin, and Alexia all had to watch a separate movie.

Called Alice in Wonderland. Louis took them to that movie.

Liam took the twins (Cody and Carter) to the Smurfs.

The rest of us watched Pitch Perfect.

"Wow cool I always wanted to see this movie" says Harry.

Niall came out with a huge bucket of popcorn.

"You know what I wish? Lily could have came here too bad she was busy" Niall shrugged the thought off.

"Extra butter want some?" asked Niall.

We all looked at him and laughed.

We all took some.

"Hey, hey, hey not all of it" Niall said hugged the bucket.

We all giggled again.

Then the movie started.


About halfway through the show, a big guy with water bottle walked by. He tripped on a seat and the water of course spilled on me.

I got up but people complained. I quickly ran out to the girls room.

I made it safely.

I walked back to the movie it was almost over.


We walked out of the movies waiting for the other 2 groups.

Liam came out with the twins.

Then came Louis.

Liam counted all of us.


"Wait we are missing someone.

Brooke, Carter, Quinn, Kendra, Dylan, and Cody who are we missing?" asked Liam.

"Avery" Zayn blurted.

Zayn and Avery have a really good father daughter relationship.

"Louis we need to find her!" complained Zayn.


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After my Normal Life By Cashergirl Book 2Where stories live. Discover now