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Sean had no idea how long he sat on the couch, staring at the blank TV when his phone started going off for a call. Picking it up, he realized it was his best friend, and he answered it.

"Hey Mark.." Sean said.

"You alright, Sean?" Mark asked. "You sound a little upset.."

He let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Not really..it's just..with all the stuff going on it's kinda messing with me..."

"Yeah I noticed in the live stream." Mark said. "If I lived in Ireland I'd come see you to try to cheer you up a little."

Sean smirked. "Thanks, Mark."

"Well I am your YouTuber boyfriend." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh god.." Sean said, laughing a little. "Yes I do mean that as well."

"Good." He teased. "So anyway..what's been going on?"

Sean scoffed. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you.."

"Hey I've heard crazy stuff before, so I'm ready."

He hesitated a few seconds. "You...you sure?"

"Yes, Sean. I am." Mark said in a reassuring voice.

Sean took a deep breath before he spilled it on his friend. "You know of the darker, more scary side of me that fans draw? Well..Antisepticeye is real...he takes over me every night unexpectedly and makes me kill people I don't even know..and I know that one way or the other, I'm gonna get caught if I don't turn myself in.."

Mark didn't say anything for a few seconds, trying to process what he just said. "So..something that your fans created..has come to life?"

"Basically, yeah.." Sean said.

"That's uhh...that's--"

"Insane? I know..I sound insane when I try to explain it.." He said.

"If you wanna put it that way, yeah." Mark said. 

"I know I sound like an insane person..but it's all true, Mark."

"Look, Sean..I know you don't wanna hear this but..it might just be in your head man. Because I know you wouldn't just go around killing people with 'Anti' or whatever the name is for your darker side. I've seen it on the news too, and I'm pretty sure you would never do something like that." Mark said.

Sean sighed heavily. "Mark, it's all true! I thought you would believe me!"

"I'm sorry, dude. It just sounds too unrealistic to me.." He said. "Maybe I'm wrong, but who knows.."

Making a noise of frustration, he hung up on him, surprised yet angry that his own friend didn't believe his story. Staring at the TV screen again, he glanced at Signe's door every now and again, hoping she's still doing okay.

He was about to go to her when he stopped, staring at the black and depthless eyes of Anti.

"Now what, douchebag?" Sean hissed.

"I'm surprised you spilled the beans on your friend..but I'm not surprised that he thought you were crazy." Anti said.

"So what, you're just gonna talk about my conversation with him?"

Anti grinned. "No..I noticed you were about to go to your girlfriend..but she doesn't wanna see you right now."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He looked back at her door. "She's scared..of you."

"Why me?? It's your damn fault you're making me do this!"

"Don't you see, Sean?" Anti asked, looking back at him again. "Since this has started..your relationship with her is falling quickly." He grinned once more. "And pretty soon you'll be one lonely bastard."

Sean suddenly shoved him against the wall, holding him tightly by the neck. "If you think you're gonna cut ties between me and her, think again you little fucker." He glared coldly at Anti. "It won't end...you just watch me."

"And turning yourself in will make it better?" Anti asked. "Don't think I don't know about that, because I do."

"If it's the only way to get you to stop doing this crap, then yes I will do it."

Anti pushed him back. "Good luck with that."

Smiling darkly, he vanished when Signe's door opened. "What's going on? Did he show up again?"

Sean gave a small nod, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah..."

She gave him a slightly confused look. "What's up? Looks like he said something to you.."

"Is it true?" He asked, tears in his vision as he looked at her in the eyes. "Are you really scared of me now?"

Signe sighed, sadness now in her eyes. "Kind of...but it's just with you and Anti I just..I don't know..."

"You're not..going to..you know...do that are you?"

She only shrugged. "I don't know anymore, Sean..I just don't in all honesty..."

"I'm trying all I can, Signe." Sean said, tears falling down his face, his voice wobbly. "I can't control what he does to me...I'm doing my very best to not put you in harms way of him again.."

"I know you are, Sean." She said, tears of her own falling down. "And that's nice of you but..I don't know if I can keep this up..but we'll see where it goes, okay?"

Letting out a soft breath, Sean only nodded before watching her walk back into her room, gently closing her door.

All that Sean did, was sit back down on the couch, his head in his hands as he cried uncontrollably

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All that Sean did, was sit back down on the couch, his head in his hands as he cried uncontrollably.

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