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Follow me, follow me.

As I trip the darkness.


Anti hid in the darkness, his hood covering his face as he looked around for the next victim to kill. He noticed that more cops were out on the streets, watching all around them like a hawk. He can easily avoid them, just by staying in the shadows.

Eyeballing a guy that was in a suit, he picked them as his next target. Making sure his knife was with him, he started to follow the man, feeling a couple suspicious looks pointed at him. Ignoring them, he kept his eyes locked on the target, slinking his way through the crowd with no problem.

They ended up on a side road, nobody walking down the streets, and Anti hid in the darkness once more when the man looked behind him in slight confusion. He heard his phone ring, and he immediately answered, Anti figuring out now is the perfect time to make his move.

Taking out his knife, he had it at the ready as he slowly approached him, not making any noise. Glancing every now and again at the busy street that's not far from them, it's like they were completely oblivious. Smirking, he was standing right behind him just as the man finished his conversation. Anti quickly covered his mouth, and stabbed him through the middle of his back like before with his other victims, sliding the blade upward.

"Bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?" Anti hissed, waiting for the man's body to go slack. Sliding the knife out a few seconds later, he dragged the man into the shadows.

"Sleep tight." He said, leaving him by another dumpster. Wiping the blood off on his pant leg, he put it away just as someone came down the street he was at. Slight alarm going through him, he hid in the nearest alley, flattening himself against the wall when he heard the woman scream. Watching her take out her phone, she dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello? There's another body! It's a man!" She said, terror in her voice.

Anti smiled at a sudden idea he had in his mind, and he took out a small hand held gun, loading it up. Aiming it at her, he pulled the trigger, the loud bang echoing in the silence. The bullet hit her in the stomach as she dropped.

"Oops." He said in a dark voice, putting his gun away, taking off just as he heard sirens in the distance.


Anti wandered about the woods, taking his time to go back home when he stopped, looking around. He had that feeling that someone was out there.

"Come on out. You can't hide from me that easily." He said. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Taking out his gun, he held it. "Your choice."

When no one responded, he started stalking around each of the trees. "Looks like it'll be the hard way, then."

Loading it up again, he went behind and around each tree, not a shred of fear going through him.

"You know..I love this game of cat and mouse..except.." He grabbed Signe in a choke hold, the barrel of the gun on the side of her head. "The cat always wins."

Signe tried getting out of his hold, but it was no use. "I know what you did..."

"Oh do you now?" He asked, slight disbelief in his voice.

"You killed again.." She said, getting him to freeze. "You killed another man in cold blood..and a woman as she dialed 9-1-1."

Anti spun her around, but didn't let her go. "How do you know?" He sneered.

"I was following you after you got out of Sean's room." She said in a serious tone, trying not to sound scared even though her heart was slamming. "And I know the real Sean is in there. So if you can hear me, snap out of it, this isn't you!"

Anti laughed. "Really? That old trick that doesn't work? And here I thought you were smarter than that."

Signe did something she thought she'd never do. Raising her arm, she smacked the gun away, throwing a punch across his face. Yelling in surprise, he stumbled away, laughing again a couple seconds after.

"You really wanna do this hard way don't you? I'm surprised." He said, wiping the little bit of blood off the corner of his mouth. "Fine."

The last thing she felt was an even harder punch along her jaw, blacking out after that point.

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