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It was now 9:30 at night, and Sean decided to do a live stream to get his mind off of everything that's been going on. Looking over at his phone next to him, he decided to open up Twitter.

Gonna do a live stream here in a bit :)

Once he tweeted it, it immediately got a bunch of re-tweets, replies, and likes. Chuckling a little, he set up the live stream, centering himself in the camera. Picking out a game, he picked SOMA. When everything was up and running, he tweeted the link to the live stream before he hit record on his camera, the stream starting.

"Alrighty. Hey guys!" He said, waving at the camera. "Welcome to my live stream! Today we're gonna play some SOMA. A ton of you guys suggested this game so I'm giving it a go. Feel free to leave a comment in the chat or use the hashtag on Twitter that I use for Reading Your Comments. I will be going through them from time to time. So that being said, let's get started."

As he got to the part where he first encounters the little robot that helps out, he pulled up Twitter to look through comments when:

It's all about to happen.

Sean stopped, trying to compose himself instead of freaking out right away.

"Sorry guys. Thought something happened." He said. "No need to worry."

He went back to trying to find a comment when it happened again.

Don't play dumb, Sean. You know I'm in your head.

Pausing the game, he put his head in his hands, not realizing the chat constantly asking if he's alright.

He heard the voice chuckle. Giving into it yet?

"No...I never will.." He mumbled. "You can't make me."

Sean heard them laugh again, and when he looked up, he nearly fell to the floor as he saw himself in the mirror, but with that face over his again. Squeezing his eyes shut, he breathed heavily, opening them back up a few seconds later. His face was normal again, and he suddenly shut off the camera, ending the live stream. Ripping off his headphones, he tossed them on the desk, pacing around. Running his hands through his hair, he tried to calm himself down, but it wasn't working.

Grabbing his phone, he tweeted out an apology with his shaking hands:

I'm very sorry for the sudden end in the live stream. Guess it isn't a good time to do one right now :/.

Continuing to pace around, he ignored his phone as it went off for text messages. He just needed to be alone, to compose himself. Signe is already worried, and he doesn't want her to freak out. Leaning against the wall by the door, he took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart.

Going back downstairs after another minute, He noticed Signe with the news on again.

"Anything interesting?" He asked as if none of it happened.

"Not yet." Signe said, looking up at him again, and raised an eyebrow. "Did you play a rage-type game again?"

Glancing at his reflection, he noticed his hair was slightly messy, and he immediately fixed it. "Yeah..I did." He lied, feeling bad he had to at her.

Sean decided to look at his phone, seeing a few texts from his friends Bob and Mark, asking if he's okay. Assuming they watched the live stream, he replied back saying that he's fine.

Oooh, pretty girlfriend, Sean. The voice mocked.  I hope you don't mind if something bad happens...

Feeling confused, everything around him looked different, and he noticed the entire room trashed. The table was flipped over, the TV knocked down, pictures hanging at weird angles along the walls. Looking to his right, he noticed splatters of red across part of the wall, and when he looked at the couch, he saw her.

But she was dead, her body a mangled mess, her eyes staring at the ceiling, her neck covered in the same red that's across the wall.

You see? It can be exhilarating. No matter who it is, there's a sick joy to it. The voice said. And you can't stop it.

Sean didn't even hear Signe calling his name, too horrified at the sight in front of him. The last thing he saw was her running up to him before he blacked out.

More coming soon! :D

Taking Over Me (Antisepticeye Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz