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"But I..I didn't do it! You did!" Sean said, his voice wobbly.

"Don't you get it, Sean?" Anti asked. "I'm you..I'm the dark side of you that comes out every night. You don't remember the killings..but that's because I erase your memory of that happening. Now I have you exactly where I want you..feeling insane..maybe a little psychotic."

"No..I didn't kill them!"

"That's the're in denial when you clearly did it." Anti said, taking something out of his pocket, holding it out to him to see the picture he had in his hand. "Remember this from earlier? Before you and Signe got into a fight?"

Looking a little closer, Sean noticed it was the picture the news had on TV earlier of the person running out of the pub.

"This was you." Anti said. "All your assumptions when you argued with her..are all correct. Everything was your own actions."

"But I...I never hurt anyone.." Sean said quietly.

"And yet you do." Anti said, putting the picture away. "Don't you understand? As I explained, I'm the dark side of you that crawls out each night. Admit it, Sean love the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your body as you kill the victim." He started slowly walking around Sean in a circle. "You love the sound of the knife..ripping through their skin and into their flesh. You admire the screams, and you admire the site of the body falling to the ground."

Sean closed his eyes, breathing somewhat heavily. "That's not true..I don't like any of it.."

"Tsk tsk tsk..denial again.." Anti stopped in front of him again. "Perhaps I need to try a different way of showing you.." he smiled evilly. "I will make you remember..and you will slowly...yet surely...fall into the dark side..and it will change your life."

Snapping his fingers, Sean was ported back to his apartment, sitting in his chair again as if none of it happened. Looking at the time again, it was almost 6:30. Putting his head in his hands, he let it out, crying uncontrollably. He's tired of all of this ever since it started, his life possibly in danger...even his relationship with Signe. What's she gonna think of all this? Will she try and convince him it's not real? That it's just someone setting him up? Or will she get up and leave one day, never to be seen or heard from again?

A knock was heard on the door, and he didn't even bother to look when Signe came in, immediately going up to him.

"Sean, what's wrong?" She asked, concern in her voice.

It took him a few seconds to answer. "I don't know anymore...I just don't..."

"What do you mean?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Did it happen again?"

Sean gave a small nod. "I can't explain it, though...I'm scared that...that..."

"That what?"

This time, he looked up at her, his face wet with tears. "That I'm gonna lose you..."

Signe gave him a reassuring look. "You won't lose me..I promise."

Wiping his eyes, he took her hands in his. "Promise me you won't freak out.."

She shrugged. "I'll try not to."

Taking a deep breath, he explained everything to her as carefully as possible. Even hearing himself, he thought he sounded like a crazy person. He could see the worry in her eyes as he finished telling her all of it, and she didn't speak for nearly a minute.

" saw yourself..your dark Anti or whatever..and he's making you think you killed those people in the last few days?" She asked.

Sean nodded. "Yeah..."

Sighing, she suddenly stood up. "Well..we'll figure out a way to get rid of this Anti for good..because real or not..he's definitely messing with you.."

"How're we gonna stop him?" Sean asked, slight disbelief in his voice.

"That's where 'we'll figure it out' comes in." She said, pulling up a chair next to him. "Start researching."

Surprised by her confidence, he started to research, not really finding much based on the results, just some sites with fanfiction about Antisepticeye and fanart of him. Typing in something else, the same things basically popped up, and Sean sighed in frustration.

"We're not gonna find anything!" He said loudly, leaning back in his chair.

"We'll find something, Sean." Signe said. "Just gotta dig deeper."

He reached for the keyboard when he suddenly hissed in pain, his hand on his forehead.

"You okay?" She asked, a little alarm in her voice. "Sean talk to me!"

"I..I d-don't know!" Sean said when it happened again, and his head hit the desk, not moving.

"Sean? Sean?!" Signe pleaded, shaking his shoulders a few times.

She was about to dial 9-1-1 when he suddenly lifted his head slowly, and she looked at him nervously.

"S-Sean?" She asked, her voice shaky.

Standing up from his chair, he slowly turned around to face her, and she dropped her phone in shock as she stared at the depthless black eyes on his face, a sinister grin on his lips.

"You should've believed him, Signe." Anti said.

Please let me know wht u guys think so far as this is my 2nd attempt at an antisepticeye story!

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