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After another long day of recording and editing his videos, he decided to go out, wandering around the town for a little while to get some fresh air. As he walked around, he noticed the yellow tape from the crime scene. The one where a brutal murder took place. Stopping in front of it, he just stared, thinking of what went through both the victim and the killers minds. He was pretty sure that the killer didn't even care, but the victim was probably terrified as it happened, knowing that they won't live through it.
Shivering a little, he moved on from it, trying to block it out when he turned to look behind him, feeling like someone is on his heels. Not seeing anyone there except a few townspeople, he continued on.
Deciding to head into the shop he usually goes in, he looked around, seeing if there's anything he can buy. But once he looked down towards the aisle of all the freezers, he saw his reflection, but a different face.

His skin looked like it had splatters of something on it, and his eyes were black. Jumping back a little, he blinked a few times, his reflection back to normal.

"What the hell?" He muttered to himself, grabbing the chips that were in front of him before taking it to the checkout. Leaving the shop, he headed back to the apartment. As he reached for the door handle, his hand was slightly shaking, and he tried calming down before heading inside his apartment room.

Signe looked up from the couch with a smile. "How was your walk?"

Sean tried to hide the slight fear on his face. "It was good." He said, as if what he experienced never happened. "Grabbed some chips if you want any."

"Sure." She said when she looked at him strangely. "Are you alright? You look as if you saw a ghost."

Sean immediately nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Signe." He said, giving her a reassuring look. 

Letting out a sigh, she gave a small nod with a smirk. "Alright."

Sean was about to go by her when he stopped, seeing the same face over his own again in the mirror that hung on the wall.

Signe cautiously stood up, approaching him slowly. "'re pale white. And you're shaking." She covered his hands with her own, getting him to snap out of it. "What's going on?"

Taking his hands away, he raked them through his green hair. "I think I need to lay down for a bit."

Walking away, he shut his bedroom door, sitting down on his bed. He didn't want to freak her out anymore than he has already, not wanting her to worry about what could be nothing. He tried to find a reasonable explanation for this: maybe he's not getting enough sleep, that he needs to get up earlier and record his videos earlier so he has enough time to get some sleep. Or maybe it's because he's played video games everyday, that maybe he needs a day to just relax.

He suddenly heard a voice, and he turned around, but didn't see anyone there.

"It's not there, Sean. Stop freaking out over nothing.." He told himself when he heard it again.

Seeaaannnn. Oh Seeeaaannnn.

This time, he stood up, looking at every inch of his room, not seeing anybody else but him.

I'm not there.

He heard it from behind, and he whirled around, starting to panic a little.

I'm not there either. I'm in your head, Sean. I'm part of you.

"W...what're you talking about?" He asked softly.

Don't you know? They hissed. I'm the other part of you that all of your fans make art about.

Thinking for a few seconds, his eyes widened, shaking his head. "'re not real! You're just a character!"

 They chuckled darkly. That's what you think. Just wait until it really kicks in.

Sean raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

He didn't get an answer back, that feeling as if someone was watching him over his shoulder now gone when his door opened.

"Who were you talking to?" Signe asked, worry all over her. "What the hell is going on with you??"

Blinking a couple times, he shook his head. "Nothing..I was just..talking with Mark on FaceTime."

"It didn't sound like it because you two never argue." She said.

"Well sometimes we disagree on things." He said with a shrug. "I'm fine, though. I promise."

A slightly frustrated sigh was heard from her as she started walking away. "Alright.."

Closing the door, Sean immediately sank back down on the bed, wondering how the hell he's going to explain it to her.


Hey guys! I'm finally back with more writing of stories! Now this is the second attempt at an Antisepticeye story for me, so please forgive me if it's really bad. I'm trying my best to make it good. Also I apologize in advance if updates for this story r really slow. Please let me know what u think so far! 


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