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Signe woke up with a headache, seeing that it was now daylight. Sitting up, she noticed she was back in her room when the door opened, revealing a panicked Sean.

"Oh my god are you alright??" He asked, sitting next to her. "I saw what happened..what I did to you..."

"It wasn't you, Sean. It was Anti." Signe said. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him."

"I think I should make a vlog about this.." He muttered. "People need to know what's going on."

Signe's eyes slightly widened. "You sure they'll believe you?"

"I'm not gonna go into full detail about it. I just need to word it carefully."

She only nodded. "Well..if you want to then..go ahead."

Sean stood up, starting to head out the door when he looked back at her.

Signe gave him a reassuring look. "I'll be okay."

Lightly smirking at her, he shut her bedroom door, heading to his recording room. Doing the usual, he centered himself in the camera before hitting record on his camera, doing his usual intro.

"Top of the mornin to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye! And I am here doing this vlog because..I need to explain what's been happening the last few days." He began, taking a deep breath. "First off, I sincerely and deeply apologize for the behavior in my live-stream the other day. I'm assuming it just wasn't a good day, as I said in the tweet after it, and it wasn't. But other than's just been a really stressful and crazy last few days. Now I don't want to worry you guys, and I'll try and sum it up as best as I can..."

For the next twenty minutes or so, he explained what's been going on, doing his very best to not sound crazy, not mentioning Anti taking over him every night. When he was done, he edited a couple spots before hitting upload. Shutting everything down, he headed out of his room, feeling like a little weight as been lifted off his shoulders.

But when he got back, Signe was over by the open door. But what made his heart start slamming, was the fact that there were two police officers talking to her.

"Anything else you can think of that you might have possibly heard or seen?" One officer asked.

Signe shook her head. "I wish I did..but I don't. Sorry."

They handed her a card. "Well if you remember anything else, just give us a call."

Signe nodded, thanking the police officers before she shut the door when she jumped a little. "Sean..didn't know you were right there."

"I just got down here." He said, panic in his eyes. "What were they here for?"

"They were asking about the murder last night..with the two bodies.." She said. "I didn't tell them anything about you, though, so you can relax."

"What did you tell them?"

Signe approached him. "I told them that I knew what was happening from the news..that I wasn't at the crime scene when they happened..and they asked describe who I saw...and all I told them was they wore all black and that's about all I know.."

Sean sighed. "Now they're gonna look for a guy who wears all black..and oh that's me when Anti takes over!"

"Then don't wear black at night!" Signe said. "That way they don't automatically follow you around!"

"How's that gonna work, Signe?" Sean asked. "When he takes over, he wears black no matter what so people don't see him!"

"Then I don't know, Sean." She said, slightly frustrated.

He suddenly thought of something, but it wasn't a happy idea. "If it comes down to it...then..I might need to turn myself in.."

Signe's eyes widened. "What?! No!!"

"It might be the only way, Signe!" He said. "I don't like it either, but it has to stop at some point!"

"We'll find a way but not that way! You are NOT turning yourself in for something you, yourself, are not doing!"

"They'll still arrest me anyway if I do!" He suddenly snapped. "They're not gonna believe me when I say something is taking over me that fans of mine draw for art and makes me kill people!"

She didn't have something to say after that, just looking at him for a couple seconds before shaking her head with a light scoff. Walking away, she slammed her bedroom door shut, sitting on her bed, her head in her hands. She doesn't want to think this, but it could be true.

Her relationship with him is starting to go downhill fast. And it's all because of Anti.


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