Tonight Is Gonna Be A Long Night.

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Had to get the next part up for you people :P


Laura-Ann x


I tossed and turned through the whole night trying to fall asleep. I needed to know what Kieran was planning to do. It was killing me not knowing! UGH!

I turned over to face the wall and just stared at the dark grey paint, already chipping off. I needed to find a way to get to Kieran, he was the only one who knew how to get me out of this. At least I hope he knew.

Groaning, I rose from my bed and strolled casually over to my window, sitting down and making myself comfortable on the seat underneath it. Tonight was going to be a long night.

- Next Morning -

I stayed up all of last night trying to work out Kieran's plan in my head. And I came up with...


Absolutely, 100% nothing.

His plan must be really good if even I can't guess it.

I sat at the breakfast table in the middle of the kitchen, slowly sipping on a glass of blood.

Kieran entered the kitchen with a happy grin on his face, I sat up straight and looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" I questioned, raising both eyebrows in his direction.

He completely ignored me and walked over to the fridge, pouring himself a glass of blood before taking a seat opposite me, with that irritating smirk on his face.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, lowering my eyebrows and dropping my head onto my arms on the table, resting my forehead against my forearm.

"It's sorted, that's all you need to know Princess." He winked and stood up, striding out of the room, looking over his shoulder as he reached the door, flashing me another smirk before continuing on his way.

What does he mean it's all sorted? OHH FOR FUDGE SAKES!!!!!!!

I face palmed myself a few times, before finishing my glass, placing it in the sink and leaving to go find Damien.

I needed some answers.

And I needed them now.


Another short one, I know. But I wanted to update again for you guys and you have no idea how annoying it is with your little cousin sat behind you singing whatever you type -.-

Yes that happened. Throughout this whole chapter, iitzLogikal has been behind me singing in time to her chav music, using the words that I have written and not the actual lyrics -.-

SO anyway! Rant over :)



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