Telling Chrion and Mom

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Percy: I looked at Annbeth and this whent threw my head. Whoa, she's Beatiful, she has stars in her hair. Why does she have stars in her hair? Oh she's the goddess of stars rightttt. Then Annbeth laughed and I relized she had heard my thoughts. "Once a sea weed brain always a seaweed brain. Keep your thought quiter!" She said out loud laughing and I blushed bright red. I heard all the goddess sigh, probuly from my stupidity. What could they hear my thoughts also? "No Percy, only me. They can if you let them though." Annbeth reassured me then all of our demigod friends ran over to us. "Your gods now.." Piper stated excitedly. "Um, yes." I said then noticed Frank had some of his hair gone. I raised an eye brow and suddly got a flash of a ball of flame from Rebbeca practiceing while I was out for the count and his hair getting singed off. "Perseus, don't tell anyone of this power. It is the power to see when needed the past." The fates said in head and I replied back "But Annabeth can read my mind?" "She can't read this event." They assured me and then I was back looking at Frank with an eyebrow raised. "All I'm going to say is. Rebbeca, Fire, practice, fail." Frank said still mad at her. "Don't you dare almost die on me again though I guess you can't do that anymore.." Thalia said zapping me. "Ouch!" I said and yes, even after being tortured in Tartaus and almost dieing and dipping in teh Stxy Thalia's lighting still hurts a lot. Annbeth rolled her eyes at my thoughts then I could read her's "and I'm a goddess now, I can live forever with Percy. Andddd I guess Thalia will live forever also. Wait, did Percy say he fought already fade people?" I quickly ran away from Annbeth knowing she was going to ask me a gazillion questions to my dad and Zuse so I could ask if I could vist my mom and um tell her what happened. "Percy! How are you feeling about all of this?" My dad asked and I rubbed teh back of my neck then a past flash happened : it was at camphalf blood and a son of Hermease and a daughter of some minor god were planing to kill Chrion! Then it ended and I said quickly "I was thinking maybe I could visit Chrion then after that my mom." My dad nodded along with Zuse. "Artemis will take all of you demigods to camp half blood and you and Annbeth also." Zuse said and Artemis telaported us to camp were I ran dragging Annbeth to the big house as I had heard teh date which was today when tehy were planing to kill him. As we stepped into the main room I saw the minor Daugter of someone about to stab him unknowingly and I used my water powers and grabbed her and the son of  Hermes who was distracting Chrion. "How dare you try to kill him!" I said feeling there loyalty to Khione strong threw them. "Don't kill them yet, we could use them for info." Annbeth said threw my head and I stoped drowning  them. Chrion turned to see us and saw that she was about to kill him a nd then saw the water then saw Annabeth and I who had made our forms look like our old selves after Artemis telling us how. "Annabeth! Percy! Thanks you!" He said and Annbeth took some rope and tied the demigods up. "I heard you got better." Chrion said to me and I rubbed teh back of my neck. "After Thease guys are throne into the dungeon we need to talk." Annbeth said. Then we told him everything as Artemis put a bubble of no one else can hear but us around us. "Thanks Atremis!" I said threw my Brain and got back an approving smile. I desided then that I would always be polite butt I would still be sassy sometimes. "So that's how we are now gods, and Annabeth will be taking lessons from Artemis ans her mom on her powers and I will be taking them from my dad and Apollo. Apollo will be teaching me archery same with Annabeth except for Artemis will be teaching her." I explained what my dad had told me Chrion. "And I'm assuming you wish to go see your mom now?" He asked and we both nodded. After saying goodbye I asked Artemis to flash us outside of my moms door and then thanked her. Now I have to do three things for her, I thought in my head. I knocked on my moms and Pauls apartment door Annabeth by my side. Paul opened the door and did a fist pump in the air before yelling "Sally! I told you Annabeth would find him!" And then I heard footsteps and My mom was then infrount of me. Luckily I still had my disguise on so she didn't freak out imedetly. " Perseus Jackson! We're have you been?!" My mom said as we came inside. Then I remembered she was pregnant and I had forgotten to tell Annabeth. It was obvious she was pregnant now and Annabeth raised an eyebrow at me and I sheepishly smiled and said "Suprize?" After Annabeth agreeing to help me in the painting of the baby's room we all went to get paint and they told us what they had done while we were gone as we couldn't realy tell them. I was very jumpy I guess keeping in this body keeps the ADHD, I always had my hand ready to pull out riptide which luckily turned back into a pen still. Annabeth had noticed my jumpieness and I assumed had come to teh same conclusion when I had a past flash : it was at the store right in frount of us, a boy with sandy colored hair had been buying a pocket knife then when he had left the store a monster had attacked him and he had ran into an ally way and into a trash can. Then the monster started breaking things, looking for the young demigod. Then the past flash ended. And I saw we were right by that ally way. I uncapped riptide and sprinted into the allyway and sure enough I saw the monster about to find the boy, I quickly killed it before it even noticed I was there and I walked over to the trash can were in my vision he had been hiding. "You can come out now, it's dead." I called knowing the boy probuly had a knife. The lid opened up slowly and the small boy of about eleven looked out with sandy blond hair and green eyes, I saw around his neck was a harp and I messaged Apollo and said "this your kid?" And then I lifted the boy out of teh trash can and saw he had a good sized gash in his leg. its to bad teh ancient laws keep gods from helping their own kids to an extent, luckily Annabeth and I were teh gods of hero so we could help demigods. Annabeth was by my side now and she took out some ambrosia which now had a lot of. "Yes" was Apollos replied. "His name is Samuel and he's eleven" "Hey Samuel, we're going to take you to a place were people train to protect them selves from monster like the one you just fought." Annabeth said and Samuel smiled and ate the Ambrosia we gave him. "Your dad is alive, and you'll learn more when you get there okay?" I said and his eyes widened and he said "I knew it! This necklace appeared to me when I asked for help and it can turn into a harp that I can make most monster go away with if I play it loud enough." "Grover, I have a son of Apollo who is eleven and his name is Samuel. Can you come get him? We're by my moms house." I asked Grover threw the link. "Sure Percy! Be there in two hours." Then we brought Samuel along with us into the store and my mom relized what he was so we didn't have to tell her and so did Paul.  After shopping we went back to the apartment and Grover showed up at bring Samuel to camp. "Just message me if you need help, and I'll try to flash over." I told Grover who nodded then left with Samuel. "Okay Mom and Paul, now to tell you what we couldn't tell you while shopping. We're both olympian gods now." I started off and changed my form back to my godly looking one. The one that killed everyone if you look at it is when you turn yourselves to pure energy. Then we proceed to explain everything while we painted the baby's room.

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