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Percy: after Saddie little show, Annbeth, Piper, Caylpso and her went to go talk and so Saddie could catch up on life. Natasha was watching them to make sure Piper and Caylpso didn't get kidnaped. Everyone else was watching Jason and I and it was super annoying so we desided to just hang out in my room and that I would call Grover threw my link if anything happened. We played spades (Card game that's realy fun) and monopoly. (Who doesn't know what monopoly is?) for an hour before we came over the road that it had said on the walki talkie. It was desided that Jason, Frank and Hazel would go as Annbeth wasn't letting me out of her sight execpt to sleep or go to the bathroom even then she was right outside of the door which was realy anoying and embarrassing. But I knew it was because she cared and love me so I tolerated it. She hadn't brought up the subject of the torture again so I hoped she had forgotten about it. I was fiddling with Riptide in pen form watch her and Saddie talk. Sadie? I wouldn't anger her she did a good job of flipping Carter who said she only does that when she's super mad but I wasn't taking any chances. "Soon young hero." Khione voice whispered in my ear as I felt the cold breath on my neck I spun around Riptide drawn, but there was no one there. Creepy, I thought then Annbeth said "Percy?" I turned around and capped Riptide but didn't put it back in my pocket. "I'm fine." I said waving her to go back to her talking but she looked unconvinced. "Percy. You don't just spring around and drawn your sword for no reason." Annbeth said walking over to me Sadie beside her. "I don't know you but I agree with Annbeth, you look way to alert." Sadie said crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. "It's nothing..... I'm fine realy just a little tense because of the whole kidnaping thing." I lied. Annbeth raised an eyebrow then she said "Percy I just remembered you never answered my question about your 'dreams'" breath Percy you can think of a way out of this,  who am I kidding why don't I tell her? I just won't tell her the extent. "Sadie might want to leave." I said knowing she wouldn't understand what the heck we were talking about. She nodded after Annbeth nodded and Sadie left. "So there dreams but there not dreams." I started unsure of this way of putting it. "Percy what do you mean?" I took a deep breath and then I said "You know how our parents can talk to us in dreams and give us gifts in that dream?" She nodded and I continued "If ones parent were to hit you in said dream what would happen." Slowly realization dawned on her face as I continued "Let's just say other people besides your parent can talk to you and maybe hit you in your dreams.........." Annbeth quickly hugged me and said "Why didn't you just tell me! He's been torturing you in your dreams? That's just cruel!" I hugged her back calming her, I had gotten used to it more and I replied "I'm fine, it's just, please don't tell anyone. Well you can tell Nico because he already knows I'm hiding somthing." She stoped hugging me and looks me strait in the eye as if realizing somthing. "Percy, promise me your answer honestly." "I promis....." I replied warily. "Why haven't I been getting Thease dreams and you have? Now no backing out tell me." Annbeth asked with her arms still holding my hands. I shut my eyes and told her in Greek "I found out a way to take it away from your dreams and put it into mine......" With that her eyes filled with tears and she leaned forwards and kissed me right on the lips, I kissed her back lightly. When she pulled away she said in Greek "how did I ever end up with a guy like you?" I kissed her again then replied "because your perfect and know when this old seaweed brain needs some real brains." With that we sat down on the deck our back to the cabin walls and she rested her head against my shoulder and I signaled to Festas to watch us. Then we both fell asleep, tired out from the day.

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