New gods

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Hey guys Star here, just wanted to say sorry for not posting yesterday butttt I waged to leave up you in suspense. Now onto teh chapter!

Annbeth: I was feeling so sad and all the gods were here when suddenly Percy heart rate started up, the last systems of the posion was a rapid heart beat then non. Then my heart started speeding up for no reason, bolts of pain started to go threw my body. I screamed in pain as it grew and my heart rate continued to speed up just like Percy's. "Annabeth! What's wrong with her?" Athena asked as I collapsed to the floor screaming, this pain was worse then being in Tartarus. "I'm not sure! Her heart rate is the same as Percy's! Her soul is on the verge of leavening her body." Apollo said then I felt like my skin was burning off and I passed out my heart beat still going faster.

Apollo: suddenly Annbeth screamed in pain and I sensed her heart beat speeding up the same speed as Percy's. "Annbeth! What's wrong with her?" Athena asked me and I sensed her soul was on the verge of leaving her body.  "I'm not sure! Her heart rate is the same as Percy's! Her soul is on the verge of leavening her body." I replied trying to find out what was going wrong. Her skin started going red just like Percy's was going red. Then I switched my sensing to their Godly sideds and jumped back in suprize, it was growing rapidly. It was to much for their mortal sides to take! Then Annbeth stoped screaming and passed out and their skin turned bright gold for a second before solidifying and I could tell their mortal sides were gone. They were both gods now, ohhhhhhh and teh power leave for Percy was stronger than a primordial and Annbeths was just as strong as Hestia who was the strongest olympian. "What happened?" Zuse asked and I gulped and turned to him and teh other gods. I could see Heades face matched mine of slight fear and amazement. " well.......Their both gods/goddesses?" I said unsure of what Zuse would do. Zuses eyes bugged out and Posidon said "So Percy and Annbeth will live?" I nodded and then Antena and Posidon hugged in joy. I steped back suprized and Athena said "Oh Posidon and I desided to not hate each other as our kids love each other so why can't we be friends?" I nodded than said "thell wake up in a few days, also their as powerful as an olympian god....." Zuse didn't look to happy at this but said "Then I guess thell have to be put in teh council, won't they?" Everyone just stared at him supprized he handent  exploded. "We should go tell the demigod s that they'll both be fine but will be knocked out for a few days. Don't tell them their gods though. We should wait until there awake." Athena avised. And all the gods or goddess's nodded and went off to go tell their kids while Posidon and Atrpena went off to go deside the new thrones. 

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