Chapter somthingth

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Aritmis: Though it did disgust me to be with so many boys I knew if we didn't get Percy to my brother soon he would die. I was shocked and I'm sure showed it for a fraction of a second at this posion he had gotten shot with. This posion was all destory many millennia ago some must have been left in a secret location. Khione must have found some and shot Percy with it knowing he was the leader of the group. I could tell Thalia's brother was trying to be the leader and made a decent one for a boy. But with their top strategist down panicking and trying to keep it together they would have soon fallen to the frount attacks on the ship. The ship was amazing craftsmanship not many flaws at all, I saw it the weapons in action about five minutes after Pheobe left. We took off again as it was easier for them to attack from the ground and i killed most of them. One escaped though causing me worrie, would she send stronger monsters or come herself and try to capture me. I knew she was capable of capturing another Godess as she had already captured Hera before and she can be strong if she wants too. But I saw twilight was a procuring fast and soon the moon would rise giving me extra strength and she wouldn't dare attack at night. But the posion, did she have more of it? I would have to be careful and warn all the gods about this. A council meeting was in order when we got out of Canada's borders. Thalia stood beside me waiting for the moon to rise but smiling softly and I knew she was happy that her brother was here, even though he was a male. Somthing whizzed past me and embedded itself in the railing. I quickly drew my bow seeing the spike that came from the same beast we had fought when we had rescued Bianca and her brother Nico along with Percy, Thalia, and Grover. (As we all know this is the second book.) the spine was dripping with posion, but not the same posion as was effecting Percy. "Seems the squirt was right, a Godess is traveling with the Argo 2" he said steping out of the shadows holding a small monster, the one that had escaped. Then he crushed the minter turning it into dust. I let lose an arrow that hit him in his tail and he yelled in pain. Then he let forth a volley of spines and I easily dodged them along with Thalia who shot him in the tail whitest dodging. After taking a few more wounds to himself he left seeing the moon was rising. Thalia got a cut on her arm but cleaned it skillfully with nectar and bandaged it. I used my powers to make the wind let us go and with Jason's help I speed us along at a good pace away from the heart of Canada.

Hazel: The boat suddenly leached forwards and Jason ran out to check but soon the Argo was moving at a steady pace and Annbeth had finally fallen asleep from exsastion. Frank helped me move her into a cot set up in Percy's room as she didn't want to leave and we desided we dint want too much of her rath as she had said to wake her if she fell asleep. I saw the glass of water by Percy was cloudy and grayish. I quickly put it in a bucket along with the other water he had made unpure. I saw it was time for another injection of the godly food and did it as Annbeth had shown me how. Percy's skin brighten for a second then went back down, I sighed seeing his unconscious form when Rebbbeca burst into the room. "Hi!" She said out of breath and it looked like she had been running. When she saw Percy she sobered and asked "How is he?" I shock my head as I answered "Aritmis said he might survive if we can get him to her brother in time." Then Aritmis entered the room and seeing Rebbeca she raised an eyebrow. "Who is this?" She asked and Rebbeca brightened at seeing her. "Hi! I'm Rebbeca daughter of Hepetas or somthing. I can do this!" She said while setting her hair on fire. Aritmis eyes widened slightly and watched as Rebbeca put out her hair. "Interesting, ever heard of the hunt?" She asked and I already knew were this conversation was going. "Nope!" She replied looking at Aritmis then saying in awe "Are you a Godess?" Aritmis chuckled. She CHUCKLED!?!?! "Yes, would you like Thalia to tell you what it is?" Rebbeca nodded enthusiasticly still watching Aritmis in awe. The Aritmis waved her to Thaila who was standing in the doorway a small forced smile on her face as she looked at Percy. They were like siblings, it must hurt to see him so, so out of it. Aritmis asked "And change?" Once she had left and I sighed replying "His skin brighten up for a minute when I gave him the nectar but then went back to Nico mode." Nico who I had not noticed sitting in the corner said "I'm not That pale!" I looked at him with a look and replied "Your right," he smiled then I continued "Your paler." Aritmis watched our exchange with little emotion but I could see the small smile in her eyes. Our eyes went back to Percy who coughed once in his sleep. Then went back to teh labored, loud breathing he had been doing. "We're almost out of Canada" Aritmis told me four hours later.

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