The Spare Room

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Percy: Mom hugged me al out squaring the air out of me. "Percy!" She kept saying over and over again. I finally pried her off of me and grabbed the donuts. I walked inside and saw Paul smiling as my mom rushed to the kitchen to grab some blue cookies. "She missed you a lot. Glad your home Percy." Paul said to me and we bro fisted. We both sat down at the table and ate some of Moms fam as Blue cookies. Man I missed Thease! "Percy! Don't you know better then to disappear like that then not even come to vist me!! We're were you? Chrion wouldn't tell me anything." Mom said. Oh no, why did Chrion not tell her! Now I was going to have to explain it all. ~~~~~After explaining it all minus the falling into Tartarus part because if I thought about it too long I might get a flashback~~~~~~ "You got a Tattoo! Percy! What have I told you about tattoos?" Mom said to me. All this and she's worried most about a tattoo. "It's just a tattoo!" I said trying to argue. Mom gave me the look. You know the one that's like : Your still my son and I said no tattoos and you went and got one, Burned into your skin!!! look. Ya you probuly don't know. "I promise I won't get any more tattoos and I'm sorry for getting this one. I'm my defense I did lose my memory for that time so i dident remember that you do said not to." I replied in a calm tone. Paul just looked at me "And sense when young man did forgetting count you  innocent?" Darn it! Wasent going to get out of this one. Paul and My mom looked at each other devishly and Mom said "We have the perfect punishment. You will have to clean And redesigned the spare room for a nursery." Wait what. I guess I kinda just sat there in shock for a few minutes processing it in my brain. "I'm going to be a big brother?" I ask still in shock. Mom and Paul smile "Yes!" Paul says. "OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE TO TELL ANNABETH!!" I screamed. Mom and Paul laughed and Mom said "You can go take a walk to calm your self down. We're going to tell her tonight at dinner. Piper, Annabeth, and Jason will be joining us." Great! There joining us for dinner! Piper will totally freak and Jason will be excited. Annabeth with be so happy for my Mom and torment me endlessly about the Nursey room design. I walked out the door for a walk. I was going to be a big brother!! I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl? I think to my self not even noticing the people watching me and following me. Should the room be Blue or a Green? I ask my self as I walk down to the park. It was late in the afternoon so no one was there. Maybe it should be tie dye!! Green and Blue! That would be totally awesome! Suddenly my senses prick up. I was being watched, No followed. probuly another monster, all the monsters made it their life's gole to find and kill me and Annabeth. But mostly me. A voice suddly says "Hello, is your name Perseus Jackson?" I spin around expecting to see a cyclops or somthing but all I see is a normal looking guy. No one knows my name but my friends or enemies. "Why do you ask?" I ask warily keeping my hand on Riptide which is in my pocket. He glances at my hand which is in my pocket and he says "You are him aren't you, Please come with me, My director wants to question you." "I'm not going any where, please leave." I replie. He sighs then throws off his coat to revial he is in a American flag suit. Even his face has some on it. Who the heck is he? "Look I don't want any trouble, just leave me alone." I say wearily. He also has a shield in his hand also with a star. "Come with me kid." He says. I take out Riptaid and uncap it. It grows into its amazing three foot bronze self. He looks suprized and throws his shield at me. I duck and slash at his legs. He doges my attack then I hear the wishing of the shield returning I spin around and catch it in my hand. America man looks super suprized that I caught it. I jump over his head and hit it with the hilt of my sword. He quickly passes out, So not a mortal Riptide can hurt him. Demigod child maybe? Suddenly a Lady jumps out of the bush and starts going full ninja on me. I quickly conter her moves and knock her out. Then a guy in a strange suit fly out of the bushes and fires some laser at me. I rickoshae it back with Riptide and it hits another guy who is now quickly funding green. "What in Hades?" I say as he turns into a huge green creature. "Hulk Smash!" He said as he attempted to smash me. "Grover, do you know any creature  that is huge and green but looks like a man?"  I say threw my empathy link with Grover. I dodge green guy but this only makes him madder. The man in the suit try's to fire at me again but I just ricoshaded it again but this time back into him caughing his suit to malfunction or somthing and he fell to the ground. "No, why?" I hear Grover ask back. "No reason,"  I respond. "Percy, what are you doing?!" Grover yelled threw my empathy link. "Little busy right now." I respond as a dodge another attempted smashing from the green guy. I suddenly feel a pain in the back of my leg. "Percy! Are you okay?" Grover yelled at me threw my empathy link. I suddenly felt light headed and the world started to spin "Why is the world spinning?" I asked Grover, then everything went dark. 

Clint aka Hawk eye: This kid just caught Caps shield and took him down ! Then Natasha ran out and started fighting him. The kid dident even use his sword which had popped out of no where but he quickly knocked her out. How!? Natasha was the best Hand to hand combated I have ever seen! Tony flew out and fired at the boy but the kid just used his sword to refect it strait onto Bruse. How did the kid move that fast to block a Lazer beam? Bruse turned into Hulk and started to attack also. Now the kid was dodging The Hulks smashes and he still managed to take down Tony with another reflecting trick. I  aimed my arrow and fired at his leg. It hit its target but he dident imedetly  go down he still dogged another of the hulks attacks before he wobbled then fell over. I climbed down from the tree I had been perched in and Natasha woke up and was able to calm the hulk down. Cap woke up right after and Tony was mad about his suit. We walked over to this boy who had managed to take down most of us. He was out cold and would be for a while that was enough sleeping medicine on that arrow to knock out three full grown men. "Let's get him back to base." I said.

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