I would hide if I was Carter

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Hey Guys Star here and..... Guys I wrote this chapter last night and it dident post........ Any way! It's here now. Now on to the chapter!

Saddie: I was chasing Carter threw the halls he was hiding somthing and I wanted to know what it was. Then I rounded to corrner to see him disappere in a flash of hieroglyphics. "Carter!" I screamed running to the spot were I had last seen him. Nothing was there, like nothing. I ran into his room and got out his Journal. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Hurricane" I said to the Jornal for I had overheard Carter say that to his Jornal one time. The Jornal opened up and I read the last entry. ---- Percy called me and said I had to Iris Message A girl named Annabeth, and tell her his location. Why did you have to get kidnaped Percy? What the heck did you do now? At least you dident say my name and summon me there with you. How did you see my phone number in a dream? I am expecting a lot of answers for you Percy!! That Annbeth girl looked worried when I said that, I guess their already looking for him? I have already packed everything and told Annabeth to tell Percy that he could summon be anytime. I just hope he doesn't do it when Saddies watching! She would freak and probuly kill me for not telling her about you and the whole 'Almost got eaten by the crocodile God incident when you saved me.' He sounded realy tired when I spoke to him, hope he's not injured. Even though Ive only met him once Percy seams like the kind of guy you want watching your back.------ He almost got eaten by the crocodile god? He was hiding a whole new person from me? They guys name was Percy? They had only met once and he already trusted Percy to give cast the summoning spell? "Bast!!" I yelled running out of Carters room. "Yes Saddie?" Bast said eating a can of tuna in the kitchen. I tossed her Carters journal and waited for her to finish reading the entry. "So that's why he smelt like Crocodile guts....." Bast said trailing off. "WHERE THE HECK DID HE GO??" I yelled and the water pitcher shattered into hundreds of shards. I controlled my anger taking deep breaths and used a spell to fix the pitcher. I was usually betetr at controlling my anger than this. "Saddie, he must have written it down some were where he was going probuly or the last location of this Percy." Bast said in a somthing tone. I grabbed the journal and scanned it, one word was witten in bold 'ALASKA' then it had some quards by it. "Bast were going to Alaska!" I said then ran to my room to grab my backpack which was always packed and ready to go. Be afraid Carter, be very afraid.

???: We need him. He is already with his friends, and that will make it harder. ." Get him before he wakes up and goes back to full strength. As soon as there out of Alaska" I command Loki who is bowing before me. "I will not fail you." Loki replied then vanished is a puff of green smoke. Now, I said turning to the screen where I was watching the Argo 2. Time for some fun. I smiled as clouds formed above the ship, waiting for my command. "Get them out of Alaska quickly, don't kill Jason, Piper,Leo,Percy,Annabeth or Carter. I want to destroy them for myself." I comanded the clouds and I watched for soon havoc would rock the little ship.

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