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Tony: We helped carry the goth boy and Piper to the room where the boy with hieroglyphics swirling around him had been. Percy was sitting in a bathtub full of sea water watching us, "How did he" I pointed to the goth kid. "Hold me down with freaking shadows? And how did she" I pointed to Piper. "Resist Loki for so long and make us freeze with her voice. And how did the other girl take Loki's staff? And why were there hieroglyphics around that kid" I asked pointing to the kid other kid. Percy and a girl with Blond hair looked at each other then sighed. "All of us have powers you could say of some sort. Nico the boy hwho held you down with shadows has powers over them. He didn't do any harm because he had already used his powers a lot rescuing me. Piper the girl who made you freeze with her voice has the power of charm speak, she can make you do things with her voice. She was probuly able to resist Loki's controlling spell for along as she did because she is more resistant to controlling. Hazel the girl who took Loki's staff has powers over precious metals and jewles. Carter, well he made me promise not to tell and it's not my story to tell. Frank can turn into different animals." Percy explained while still sitting in the bathtub. "May I ask why  you are in a bathtub?" Natasha asked. Percy bit his lip and looked at the blond. She slightly nodded, "Percy heals faster in water. I'm Annabeth by the way."  She said simply. Wow. Like all of them have powers. I saw two other kids in cots who were watching us. One kid seamed to be just staring at me and I assume he's a fan? "Wow. Your suit looks so much cooler in person." The kid who had been watching me said in awe. "Leo here's a fan of your suit. This is Jason," Annabeth said pointing to the other kid in the cot. "What. Is. that." Clint said pointing to the goat guy. He bleated "It's rude to point! I'm half goat half man, and my name is Grover." "I'm Calypso." Said another girl who was giving Leo some silvery liquid. "Umm. Why was Loki here?" Steave asked. "I feel like I got run over by a bus!" Nico said opening his eyes. Hazel rushed over and hugged him "Glad your not controlled!" She said happily as he hugged her back. It looked like they were siblings, Piper stired as Calypso stuffed some lemon bar in her mouth. "Uggg." Was all she said, must have hurt getting hit upside the head with Steve's Shield. "What do you see?" Percy asked holding up a baseball bat, no it was a sword, wait why did it keep switching? "Sometimes it's a baseball bat and so times it's a sword?" I said taking off my helmet seeing if it was messing with it. Natasha said "A sword." Clint said "It looks like a sword." "Sword, hey that was the sword you knocked me out with!" Steve said. Percy grinned "Sorry bought that." "Don't look very sorry to me." I grumbled then Bruses voice came threw my com "So most of the finds have powers? I bet they all have powers they just don't trust us fully yet."  "All of you extend your wrists, without  the suit Tony." Percy said. We all did as he asked and he brought the sword to Steves wrist and it just tapped it. He brought it to Nathsha and it passed right threw her wrist. She helped and pulled her hand back looking at her hand. When it came to my wrist it passed threw also and I freaked out, i didn't even feel it! When it came to Clint it didn't pass threw. "Okay, Thor already told Me Steve was a decent of one of the minors just enough so it doesn't pass threw but not enough to let monsters smell him. Clint, I'm assuming is a defendant of Apollo because of his Arcady skills." Percy said. Wait what? "Natasha as I suspected is a clear sighted mortal." Percy continued. Then Hazel spoke up " Tony seams to have been blessed by a child of hectate to see particularly threw it. Bruse is a mortal also blessed by the same child of hectate so he can half see threw the mist but only when he's in his hulk form." Percy nodded as we just all started at each other confused. "Isn't Apollo a Greek god?" Clint asked and Percy nodded. Clint passed out"I've landed on deck. and Thors head our way." Bruse said. "The Greek gods are real aren't they." Steve stated. "Yup! Now we're not aloud to tell you anything else. So if you could after your Buddie here is recovered from shock leave please." Percy said cheerily. Bruse walked threw the door "Let me guess we're not telling a Fury about this because if we do hell experiment on us all and try to find Percy and his friends." Bruse said. Annabeth nodded "That would be nice." Thor came threw the door, "Loki was here? We're has he gone?" He asked looking around. "He disappeared, he looked like he was listening to some one. As if taking orders. And as Loki has appeared once before when Percy was captured by you guys then again now I think it's safe to assume he's after Percy." Jason said. 

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