Tony Awakes and Calpso, well you'll see

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Calypso: I couldn't find anything wrong with Tony he just wouldn't wake up, and as he was Mortal I couldent give him any nectar or ambrosia. Because we didn't find Bruse he couldn't tell us what might be wrong and everyone was worrying because Fury had called them back about fifteen minutes ago and we didn't know what to do. "Okay, I'm gonna have to call Fury and tell him that Tony is in a coma of some sort and Bruse was kidnaped. We won't tell him we were with you guys but he needs to know." Steve said. "I agree, call him up." Annbeth said walking into the room with Percy. "Okay then," Steve steped out of the room to take the call. I found my mind wondering back to my island home and the moonbeam flowers that were there I should have brought some of the seeds with me on the Argo 2 "Percy, what did you end up doing with the flower I gave you?" I asked looked at him. "I gave it to my mom and she has it growing at our apartment, Oh! Also she gave me some of its seeds to plant at my cabin." Percy replied pulling out a couple of seeds from his pocket. He handed them to me and when I passed my hand with them in it over Tony they vibrated. I scrunched my eye brows together and brought them back over Tony. They vibrated strong the closer to Tony they got. "What?" I said looking at the seeds and then back at Tony, Percy and Annbeth walked over and saw the seeds vibrating. I took one of the seeds and placed it on top of Tony and it started to vibrate a ton, then it rolled to his right wrist and stuck there. I looked at the place were it had stuck and saw the tiniest punched wound like from a needle that I would have never noticed. I quickly moved the seed away and gave them back to Percy then I said "Percy, Annabeth. Look." As I took his hand and pointed to the small wound. Percy took his wrist and said "there is some kind of liquid in there that is definitely not blood, it's keeping him asleep but with out showing any singes in the blood it self. Calypso, don't tell anyone about this." Then he closed his eyes and I saw a light gray liquid come out of the small wound and into a ball floating in the air. I opened a jar and he placed the liquid into said jar. Then he shut the jar quickly and said exsasted "That was fun, he should wake up no......." Then Tiny stired and sat up quickly punching at me but I caught his hand easily. His eyes opened and he said "I'm in the infermy? What did I do this time" "you got kidnaped, injected with some liquid that made you in a state of sleep for about a day and a half and Bruse was also kidnaped but we haven't found him yet." Percy said. "How did he get kidnaped?!?!?" Tony said in disbelief. "We have no clue. And Steve is calling Fury about Bruse being kidnaped and you being in a cosmetic state so I better go tell him your awake." Annbeth said before sprinting out of the room. Percy collapsed onto the nearest cot sleeping imedetly. and I gave Tony some food before I went to the engin room hoping to find Leo but instead was meet with a hit to the head and darkness. 

Leo: I was up on deck talking to Festas about were Hydra's base might be when Annbeth came on deck,. "Hi Leo! Bye Leo!" She said then walked over to the corrner of the deck were Steve was talking to some one on a phone. I heard Annbeth say "Steve, Tony's awake, he was injected with something and Percy got it out." Steve replied "Okay, thanks. Hey Fury, Tony's awake. We still don't know we're Bruse is though." I got a bad feeling in my stomach and I could feel my hair catch on fire. Breath Leo, breath your just nervous...... "Leo, you okay?" Annbeth asked walking over. "Im fine....." I replied trailing off as a feeling of dread settled over me. "Leo?" Annbeth asked and I replied quickly "Annbeth, what happenes when Demigod get a really bad feeling then it turns to complete dread for no reason!?!" Annbeths face paled and she replied "Bad things happen. Festas take a check off all of the crew and condition of the ship." Festas creaked a yes then Annbetha no I looked out over the water of a lake which we were above right now. Festas creaked back a replie 'check screen for updates.' I took out the I pad I had and looked at the status of all the crew. Percy, Nico, Tony, Frank, and Piper were on the sleeping list. Annbeth, Jason, Leo/me, Steve, Natasha,Clint, and Hazle were on the Awake list. Wait were was....... I looked at the last list the Missing list. Bruse was on it along with another person, a Calypso.

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