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Annabeth: I smothered Percy's hair out of his sleeping face and kissed his four head lightly before turning to everyone else. "Okay guys, we know that when Loki's puts his staff to anyone's chest he takes over their body controlling them. It didn't seem to effect Percy execpt for maybe drain him a bit. Now has this ever happened before?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the avengers, Tony raised his hand and said "Only once and even then I had my chest thingy that keeps the metal away from my heart on so it couldn't go threw that. Does Percy have anything on his chest that it couldn't have gone threw?" I ran my hand over his chest and all I felt were his abs not any other things, I shock my head no and they all stood their thoughtfully. Until Calypso sighed and said "No one here even has a clue of why, It may be the same reason he saw Loki when he was kidnaped and they didn't. We don't realy know, maybe Percy does maybe he doesn't. What worries me though is that it's pretty obvious now that they want to kidnap aka take controle of Percy." My heart hardened just like my resolve, no one was going to touch my boyfriend, no one. "Wellllllll Steve. We found more Vibrainion the stuff your shield is made out of." Hazel said breaking the silence. Steve asked "We're is it? How much?" Hazel pointed to the lump of metel in the corner of the room. Steve and Tony rushed over to it probuly thinking of what they could do with it. I rolled my eyes then heard Percy stir, I turned around watching him breath softly and roll over drooling. I rolled my eyes rembering the first time I had seen him drool i had been slightly discussed, oh well I was used to it now. I took out a hankerchif out of my pocket and whipped it away him smiling in his sleep. Everyone was now going back to their normal boring conversation but now I knew that we would have to keep a close eye on Percy with out him finding out. If he found out he was the reason Loki kept attacking us he would leave, dang it Percy! Why does your flaw have to be Loyalty? I thought as I slumped in a chair drifting off to sleep but being alert so I awoke about half an hour later when Piper nudged me, she led me to my room were I let the deeper darkness of sleep take over after she had promised to watch Percy. 

Percy: "He didn't even react! It didn't work on him, infact none of my magic works on him! How is this even possible?" Loki said staring infrount of a lady sitting on a ice throne. She snarled angerly like a dog and she replied "I'm not sure! That's what troubles me, and now I'm sure all of his friends have relized that I want him. They be watching him closely making sure even if you do telaport to him you couldn't do anything. The hulk is taken care of as we speak along with Iron Man. Both kept alive for a demigod that wants revenge as a reward for doing some stuff I ask of him." The lady who I guessed to be Khione said ice lacing her voice that made me shiver in my dream. "When will I get my reward?" Loki asked, and she laughed and replied in her venomous voice "You shall get her soon. I have ordered my pets not to touch her. But remember it's only if you find a way to get that boy to me. Also Don't hurt Jason, I shall make him a ice statue yet. I would kill the Piper girl but my brother wants her for helping me over throw my father. Pathetic excuse for a wind God, I'm a much better wind Godess." Khione said then my dream shattered and I felt a dagger of pain go through my side as Tartaus voice whispered "you think I would let you sleep in peace?" Then he chuckled as he cut my arms and legs. Slowly I heard Annbeths voice enter my ears "Wake up Percy, shhhh, Where the heck are Thease coming from?" She didn't think I heard the last bit. I had never told her that it wasn't flash backs it was Tartus in my dreams injuring me because I had escaped him. "Percy come on." She said her voice making me open my eyes seeing her concert face above mine. I smiled weakly and she looked like she was about to explode, "Okay! I don't believe you! No way Flash backs would have you injured this bad! Nico said he never heard of flashback dreams injuring people. Care to explain?" Annbeth asked me her arms crossed over her chest. I saw Piper out of the corner of my eyes and I turned quickly to her and Jason. "Guys I need to talk with Jason alone please." I asked before proving myself up on my bed were I relized I was instead of the infermy. Annabeth and Piper both didn't look happy but left after Annbeth gave me a bar of ambrosia. "Grover watch Annabeth and Piper, heck watch all the girls don't let them go anywhere alone. Don't ask." I said to him threw our link he nodded threw our link and I went back to say to Jason "Khione wants to make you her own personal ice statcuce and is also planing on giving Piper to her brother? Also Loki wants one girl here though I'm not sure who and OH NO FIND BRUSE AND TONY RIGHT NOW." I yelled jumping up and drawing riptide. Jason hearing the panick in my voice and Festas must have also heard us and informed Leo cause there was more running around as everyone looked for Tony and Bruse. They were gone just like that, no trace at all. "Peryc explain now." Piper said turning to me her voice heavy with charm speak "I had a dream." I started 

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