One Breath

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Frank: I had just come down to camp half blood a week early to help get everything ready for the huge capture the flag game. I dident expect to run into Grover who was freaking out and for Percy to be unconscious and them not knowing where he was. Annabeth was freaking out and we were all in camp halfbloods van driving to the park near Percy's house. Percy's mom had aperently found a huge fist mark in the ground and was waiting for us while looking around for more clues. When we reached there Percy's mom and his step dad Paul who I personally had never met were looking around by a dent in the ground. We all got out and ran over. What I saw was a huge fist mark indented in the ground. "This is the fist mark. We didn't find anything else." Percy's mom said. Annabeth was walking around the first print analyzing it. I wish Hazle were here then she could help calm me down. Wait, Why hasent we contacted her? Or Nico? Or Thalia? Oh no we didn't contact Leo and he was just in the forge! They would be pissed off. "Guys shouldn't we like contact The others?" Everyone stoped what they were doing and looked at me. Piper face palmed "Leo is going to kill me. Him and Percy are sass partners!!" We all laughed at this remembering how Leo and Percy would always sass one another in sass battles. Then I got out a drachma and threw it into a mist Jason brought up using his wind powers from a lake. It wasn't the best connection but it would work. Leo's face showed up he was in the middle of taking to Calypso. " And that's how I met Feastas!!" He said and Calypso said "Hello guys! What's wrong?" Leo turned around to see the Iris message. "What's up Guys!!" Leo asked. "Um.... SoWeMightHaveForgottenToTellYouThatPercyGotAttackedOrSomthingAndNowWereAtTheParkWithPercysMomLookingForCluesOnWhereHeis. I said then I gasped for air as that took a lot out of me. "Wait. Did I just here that Percy got attacked and you went off to go save him and now he's kidnaped and you forgot to get me when you went off to find him?? How do you even know he got attacked?!?" Leo said as his aphair caught on fire. "Leo, We forgot to tell you because we were in a rush. Percy was taking to Grover threw his Empaty link when Percy passed out. Percy was asking about a guy who turned into a huge green monster when he passed out." Piper said as calmly as she could. Leo replied "A man who turns into a big green Monster. Doesn't that ring a bell guys?" "No? Do you know what the monster was Leo?" Jason asked. Leo sighed and said "You guys really need to stay with mortal news more. That sounds a lot like the Hulk from a mortal super hero group called The Avengers. S.H.E.I.L.D must have kidnaped him because of Percy's different times he blows up stuff." Calypso then said "I have already notified Thalia, Hazle and Nico of the situation. Nico will be shadow traveling their shortly with Hazel. Thalia is also on her way." Then Shadows under a tree thickened and Nico and Hazel popped out. "Guys!!" Hazel said then helped Nico up and ran over to us. "I'll be right over!" Leo said then the Irsi message disappered and Jason looked like he was going to pass out. "Never doing that again, That was way to precise for me." Jason said then he did pass out. 

Grover: I was kinda spaced out trying to link with Percy as they were taking with Leo but I snapped out of it when Jason passed out. "Is he okay?" I bleated. Piper carefully laid him down on the grown and said "He just never uses his powers that precisely. He had to make the air make the water go up in a thin enough she at to make an Iris message. He'll be fine by the time Leo gets here." Annabeth looked like she was about to exploded "THEY KIDNAPPED MY BOYFRIED BECAUSE OF A FEW EXPLOTIONS?!!?!?!?" She screamed. "Sleep!" Piper comanded and Annabeth dropped to the floor dead asleep. Piper now looked tired "I think I will join Jason and Annabeth in the land of sleep. Charm speak takes a lot out of ya." Then she promptly curled up on the floor next to Jason and fell asleep. Suddenly I felt pain in my head like when Percy had nightmares, I knew they were never what he felt as I only felt that he had pain not the extent of the pain. "Percy's having a nightmare." I whisper to Annabeth, Hazel, Nico and Frank. "So he's not unconscious anymore just asleep?" Annabeth asked. "That is what it seams like." I replied. They Thalia walked out of the trees. "Calypso contacted me. What's the status on Percy? Do we know where he is?" Thalia asked. "All we know is a guy in a group called the Avengers might have been fighting Percy. And aperently as of now Percy is Asleep and having a nightmare." Nico stated. Suddenly the pain stoped and I knew Percy was waking up. I concentrated but I couldent seam to contact him. Then I felt his fear and panick. Why was he paniniking? I tried to talk to him but it was fuzzy and somthing was blocking me. Then I heard his voice loud and clear in my thoughts "Grover! Zeus said that he can't contact me where ever I going so I don't know if I will be able to contact you. I'm not sure where I am or who tease people are who kidnaped me." Percy said quickly then I could tell he blacked out again. "Grover?" I herd Hazel ask and I felt her hand on my arm. I opened my eyes and said "Percy woke up was Painicked then I couldn't talk to him. Then he told me before passing out again that Zeus said he couldent contact Percy where he was going and that he dident know who tease people were who had kidnaped him and he didn't think he would be able to contact me after this." Hazel turned and looked Frank directly in the eyes. "Frank, there is only one place where the gods don't have power over." Hazel said. Frank's eyes widened and Hazel continued "Alaska." 

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